I picked up the keys to my new apartment today. I love it sooooooooooooooooooooo much. There's an extra window I had forgotten about, and the three windows I remembered are larger than I'd thought. Yay!!! It's smaller than my current place, so I'm going to have to get rid of/store some furniture, but it's totally adorable. Such a good time to move there, too. It's going to be a fabulous summer!!!!!!! It's a great neighborhood, much more urban than my current place, and I'm sooooo excited. Um. Obviously.
I've been thinking a lot about Nathan Petrelli and what made him decide to intervene in the finale, but I haven't had time to write up my thoughts. So, I've just had to suffer with Nathan on the brain. Life is so hard.
Bandslash is evil. I laughed at it when I saw it show up on various recs lists, and thought I was sooooooooooooooo above it all. And then I opened a couple of stories when I was procrastinating from packing this weekend? And I got totally sucked in and am now fully convinced of the deep and abiding love of Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump. It's a passing obsession, a little summer fling, but it's a sneaky little fandom. You don't think you'll care about some silly RPS thing, and then you find yourself walking down the hall marveling at how much Patrick has accomplished at the age of 22 and how cute he is with Pete hanging off him, and then you just have to spend the rest of the day mocking yourself.
I hate packing. I'm never moving again.
I'm trying to think of a way I could make this entry sound MORE like I'm a 15-year old girl, but I honestly can't come up with anything. Apparently enthusiasm splits my age in half.