Friends and Profit

May 14, 2007 10:54

1) Working from home today because it seemed like the thing to do when I woke up this morning. Also, today is my only day without meetings, so I'll make the most of it.

2) I've been meaning to write up a little thing on LJ friending and why I haven't done much of it yet. I might run around friending people one of these days, but I'm cautious about friending people. Veronica Mars was my first-ever fandom, and I jumped on LJ and friended a bunch of smart people who had cool things to say about VM. The only problem was, I didn't have much in common with a lot of them otherwise. It made me uncomfortable after a while to have a flist mostly populated by people I liked and respected, but who mostly only wrote LJ posts I didn't feel compelled to comment on. After a while, I felt like a voyeur on most of those journals. Fortunately I did retain a few friends from that time period. I'm a little more cautious about friending people now, though.

I don't think there's much danger of repeating my past mistakes, though, because here's the thing: Lo, those many years ago, when I first discovered fandom, I didn't realize I was a slasher. (I know, SOOOO SILLY, RIGHT???) Now that I've focused my attention primarily on the slash-friendly side of fandom, I've discovered there are a lot of bright, interesting fangirls who like a lot of the same things I do. And who probably won't mind if my own personal contribution to the fannish conversation is primarily squee. And probably picspam. And I'm working on figuring out what makes a good batch of screencaps , so that I can start to post Profit caps. And maybe if I get my act together, I'll organize myself enough to start rec'cing fic publicly, outside of email. That might not happen for a long time, though.

I mean, I'm not a writer, and I don't often feel the urge to write deep meta, but fandom needs cheerleaders, too.

3) Watched Profit this weekend. Yay Profit!! No fabulous meta thoughts yet. Just bullets:

  • Profit rocks. And he is hot. And how much did I want him to rule the world? SO MUCH!!!
  • How much do you want to bet that Adrian Pasdar and Keith Szarabajka would sit around on set some days and have raspy-voice-offs while talking about banal things like sports scores or the weather or the best fish house in Vancouver?
  • I really don't like Bobbi. From what I've seen in a brief wander around reaction posts, this is not necessarily a common opinion, but I just can't like her. This is partly probably because I don't find her attractive, so her making so many people fall in love with her requires too great a suspension of disbelief for me. I think she's effective in her role, but I find her annoying without any of the charm she's purported to have. I think I might have liked her better if she'd been played by somebody like Allison Hossack, who played Nora. Somebody who looks sweet and angelic, but is actually a manipulative junky with a plan.

    Huh. That's so shallow of me.

    Anyway, although it made rational sense to me, I just didn't feel Jim's attachment to her because of my own distaste for her. Which made their final scene together a little inexplicable to me.
  • Gail!!! Gail rocks.

That is all. See? Deep thoughts.

profit, lj

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