It's so cold outside it makes my nuts hibernate

Oct 27, 2005 09:40

I hate fall. Gets too cold too fast before I can put the winter clothes into the closet. However, fall is tremendously wonderful because girls start wearing knee length skirts and those stiletto knee high boots. That's sexy. Maybe it's my New England fall background and tons of preppy white chicks getting dolled up to try to meet their husbands that I dreamingly think of this time of year, but I see a woman in the boots and a skirt and just get warm fuzzy feelings and thoughts of Awful Awfuls at the Newport Creamery and running across campus attempting to memorize cognitive theories of sociology. Eh. I'm weird I guess.

I want to go back to school. Even online, though it wouldn't be *quite* the same. I like working okay, but, there's nothing quite like learning. I mean, I'm a nerd. An abnormally cool nerd, but, a nerd nevertheless. I play around with databases 9-5, then go home and wax poetic on the greatness of the 2-3 zone defense with double teaming on the point guard in NBA Live 2004, the greatness of defensive shifting in playoff baseball, and just how safe and spectacular Kenta Kobashi is, and why The Predator would have been a million times the call up Mike Awesome was in ECW. I feel so sorry for my girlfriend sometimes. But, I lay pipe well and try to look like a supermodel of sorts, so I guess it all evens out.

Source Magazine thinks Lil Kim's album is 5 mics and Kanye's is 4.5 mics. Like star ratings in pro wrestling, I honestly don't give a fuck. Buy both.

WWE needs to center the whole company right now around Kurt Angle on Raw. Kurt Angle v. Triple H at Wrestlemania. Have Hunter beat Cena for the strap, and build Angle as the contender who is the crazy amateur style wrestler that Hunter is deathly afraid of. I trade Cena back to Smackdown and build Cena as the heel v. Batista as the babyface with Cena working as the "future of pro wrestling" in a feud where he calls Batista old and washed up already, and a pawn of "the system." Have Cena come over as Palmer Cannon's most important acquisition of NTI in January on the first new Smackdown of the year, leading into the Royal Rumble. Angle's winning the Rumble in my booking, with Cena and Batista having a bloodletting of a fight after eliminating each other from the Rumble.

As far as other main eventers, I put JBL over for the US Championship, and feud him with Ken Kennedy for six months with JBL going over the top again with his pro-America rhetoric. The man to beat JBL...Blaster Lashley. I'd then move Ken Kennedy into a feud with Christian where the loser couldn't talk for 60 days. From there, I pair Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit as a tag team, and insert them into the tag team scene. I also pair Booker T and Orlando Jordan in a tag with Sharmell, and put them around the horn with Eddie and Chris. MNM feuds with the Tolands, and the champs who never defend the belts on TV, and only on PPV are Regal and Burchill. As for Velocity, I'd make that almost solely an X-Division and gimmicky show, highlighted by Heidenreich, London, Spanky, Matt Hardy aka "The Icon of the Internet" as a heel who wants to steal the show, the Mexicools, etc.

As for Raw, I don't know. Shawn Michaels I'd feud with Edge who wants to retire Shawn for good. As far as Carlito, I'd put him on a losing streak. Carlito going postal would be fucking funny. You know it. Everything else, I don't know. That show confuses the fuck out of me. Too many awesome workers. BTW, where's Arn Anderson in the Flair/Hunter feud? I want that promo. If you're some kind of netgeek wrestling douche, it's the best membership for the least amount of money. All the rest of the people who do that shit have never taken a fucking bump. Therefore, I don't respect them. Yeah. I'm one of THOSE workers now. Ben Gordon and crew are funny and don't report news. Same for Mike Trash. Everyone else. Heh. Right. Get in the ring, fuckers.

I'm out. The White Sox winning the series was so not interesting. Same goes for TNA. I'm managing "The King of Baltimore" Chris Nightmare (gimme some fudge!) in West Virginia on November 19th. I'm also managing rasslers like Nightmare, King Kaluha and "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney on November 18, 25 and 26. Anyone else know of any shows between now and then that aren't the CZW show I'll be at on the 12th, please let me know.

After last night I'd pay good money to watch Bob Holly v. Kenta Kobashi.

I'm out.

- Marcus

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