Quick announcement: Once again, the
Vintage Tea Dance series returns to Regency England this Sunday, 8 February, 2009. The dance will be taught/prompted by Susan de Guardiola.
The tea dance series aims to be light on teaching/heavy on dancing, but there will be enough instruction to make it accessible to beginners. Regency dance is primarily set dances (in longways sets and quadrilles) with figures and footwork. For those who know Scottish Country Dancing, it's astonishingly similar, though there are recognizable style differences. Historical costume is welcome if you have it and enjoy it, but not at all required--expect to see a handful of people in period formal and a lot of people in comfortable modern clothes.
We had an amazing turnout last year, and everybody had a great time. I hope some more of you will decide to join us this time.
In short: come if you think this is something you'd enjoy. If you like this sort of thing, you probably will. Don't stress about lack of experience or costume. More info at the website.