(no subject)

Dec 16, 2003 23:42

And a survey, for your enjoyment.

:x: piercings = 3 in one ear with one stretched to a 0G, and 2 in the other with one stretched to a 4G.
:x: tattoos = A flaming star on my back. Soon, more to come.
:x: height = 5'4 and 3/4''.
:x: shoe size = 8.
:x: hair color = brown.
:x: siblings = Brian.

:x: movie you rented = Lara Croft 2.
:x: movie you bought = Finding Nemo for my bro for his Bday.
:x: song you listened to = Brand New - The quiet things that no one ever knows.
:x: song that was stuck in your head = The Chipmunks xmas song that was playing in Target today.
:x: cd you bought = umm it's been a while. I'm hoping for a few for xmas.
:x: cd you listened to = A ghetto mix I made.
:x: person you've called = Amanduh, but all I got was the voice mail.
:x: person that's called you = Tin..like 800 times bc her phone wasnt working in the mall.
:x: tv show you've watched = duh. Will and Grace.
:x: person you were thinking of = Will and Grace makes me think of my Will a.k.a. Chad.
:x: friend you made = I have met a few new people, don't know if they count.

:x: you have a crush on someone = yes.
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = sometimes yes. sometimes no. I know I'll miss all of you.
:x: think about suicide = I think we all dream of our own demise.
:x: you believe in online dating = nope.
:x: others find you attractive = Some. Usually creepy older guys.
:x: you want more piercings = just my rooke. me and chad will eventually do it.
:x: you drink = yes.
:x: you do drugs = no.
:x: you smoke = blech.
:x: you like cleaning = you would think I hate to because of the look and smell of my car but I don't, I just havent had enough time lately.
:x: you like roller coasters = mmmm yes.
:x: you write in cursive or print = print.
:x: long distance relationships = :-/ been there, hated it.
:x: using someone = against.
:x: suicide = against.
:x: killing people = only if its boondock saints style (yeah, geoff.)
:x: teenage smoking = uhh, whatever..you just look like you are trying to be cool which you arent.
:x: doing drugs = hey whatev.
:x: driving drunk = nope nope.
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = oh hell yes!
:x: soap operas = uhh i cant ever keep up with them.
:x: food = yes please.
:x: song = it different like every second.
:x: thing to do = play with my friends. sleep.
:x: thing to talk about = anything. just go with the flow.
:x: sports = still gotta love the figure skating. and of course snowboarding.
:x: drinks = hmm lemon iced tea snapple.
:x: clothes = anything comfortable.
:x: movies = finding nemo, anything with John Cusack, stupid girlie movies that make me swoon.
:x: singer = I have no clue.
:x: holiday = St Paddy's Day.

:x: ever cried over a girl = yes.
:x: ever cried over a boy = yes.
:x: ever lied to someone = yeah, I don't like it.
:x: ever been in a fist fight = Almost, but they usually get broken up before they start.
:x: ever been arrested = nope.

:x: shampoo do you use = suave.
:x: shoes do you wear = It changes day to day, but i still love my good ol' chucky t's.
:x: are you scared of = Nothing. That I have come across anyways.
:x: of times I have been in love? = once.
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = once.
:x: of hearts I have broken? = probably once.
:x: of girls I have kissed? = hmm I think like 5.
:x: of boys I have kissed? = I think the count is somewhere between 30 and 35.
:x: of girls I've slept with? = well...
:x: of boys I've slept with? = hmm...somewhere around 37 I think.
:x: of drugs taken illegally? = What do you mean..illegal?
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = 6.
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = 0.
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = a ton, from skating a such.
:x: of scars on my body? = I have a few, but my scars usually go away pretty quickly.
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = There are a few things..nothing I would like to list, thank you.
:x: disney movie = Finding Nemo, Shrek.
:x: word = whoa.
:x: nickname = Marcimon, Marsupial, Marc, Marki.
:x: guy name = Elliot.
:x: girl name = Kirstin.
:x: eye color = hmm. I do favor my eyes, yet I could fall for any.
:x: flower = any, even if they are wilting.
:x: piercing = lip. side.
:x: actor = not a clue.
:x: actress = ditto.

:x: pretty = uh, in some ways.
:x: funny = no.
:x: hot = no, I'm cold right now under my blanket.
:x: friendly = yea.
:x: amusing = at some points
:x: ugly = never.
:x: loveable = yea.
:x: caring = yea.
:x: sweet = i try.
:x: dorky = oh yes yes, just ask me anything that has to do with biology and I could go on and on and on.

[ x ] Wallet - black. hurley. stars. stuff. no cash.
[ x ] Hairbrush - blue.
[ x ] Toothbrush - Colgate Professional Clear and Blue.
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - silver curly earing, purple sparkle 0G plug, metal 4G tunnel, small silver earing(chad has the match to it). And of course my wedding ring. a watch, usually the black leather nixon jett.
[ x ] Pillow cover - I have 3 pillows with cases and one without.
[ x ] Blanket - blue and white and yellow starry.
[ x ] Coffee cup - mmmm yummy. Cant wait for my girls to be home to visit them at the buck!
[ x ] Sunglasses - my head is too small.
[ x ] Underwear - at the current moment: white AF thong.
[ x ] Favorite shirt - That is so hard. I like them all.
[ x ] Perfume/cologne- girls: Still searching. guys: Curve for men or Very Sexy 1.
[ x ] CD in stereo right now - The Used upstairs, ghetto mix in the car.
[ x ] Tattoos - blue and yellow star with flames and little dots.
[ x ] Piercings - man, how many times do I have to type this.
[ x ] What you are wearing now - Purple Angora sweater from AE, Hollister Jeans, Old Navy Belt. I feel sooooo trendy today.
[ x ] In my mouth - a tongue..and some Mt. Dew
[ x ] In my head - About tomorrow have to get up in 6 hours.
[ x ] Wishing - A Dream is a wish your heart makes.
[ x ] After this - sleep like whoa.
[ x ] Fetishes - Snapple seems to hit the spot.
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now - any of my friends.
[ x ] Is next to you right now - A really comfy looking futon.
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - snowboarding a lot. and cassie visits as always.
[ x ] The last thing you ate - pbj baby.
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - losing friends.
[ x ] Do you like candles - yes.
[ x ] Do you like incense - meh.
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - ewww.
[ x ] Do you believe in love - yes.
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - maybe.
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - I believe each person goes or rests where they wish.
[ x ] Do you believe in God - no. Everyone believes in their own thing.
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - donated, like Jack did for my dissection class.
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - turtle and frog..yay. I love you Jon.
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - All nighters baby.
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - yup.
[ x ] What's your favorite coin - I like the Canadian Toonies.
[ x ] What are some of your favorite candies - Kisses, tootsie rolls, and smarties.
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand? Why I want to do certain things and just agree with me.
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better - how life exists.
[ x ] Who is someone that you really wish was still around - People who have died too young. People who have stopped being my friends for various reasons.
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