Jul 05, 2004 19:03
So today I went to my aunt’s house in Bristol to watch the 4th of July parade. To most, this would appear to not only be fun, but also a great bonding time for the family. And I do admit that for the first 5 minutes or so it was fun but after being shunned and ignored for the entire day, my thinking changed. For some odd reason my father’s side of the family has this crazy notion that because of my parents divorce I am no longer part of the family. I think that throughout the entire day 4 people said hi to me and those people were my dad, little cousins, and old babysitter. Isn’t it funny how throughout the entire day all your uncle can say is, “Wow.. look at the way that dog sits”? No one ever asks how you are doing or even bothers to strike up a conversation with you. Well I suppose they had a better time speaking to my dad’s girlfriend, Sue, then they ever would have speaking with me. I mean my own father did find Sue’s son who plays the saxaphone quite entertaining while he could care less about his own son taking up bass. But what makes me feel the worse is when they dont even recognize or regard any of your remarks. It is as if your not even there.. I could probably pass any of them on the street and they wouldn’t even give me a second look, nevermind stop and say hello. Then when your ready to leave they all try to justify their inattentiveness by saying “Oh.. your leaving already.. but I didnt even get a chance to talk to you”. Not for nothing but I was there for 7 hours.. So much for family... I should have listened to my brother when he said he wasnt going today because he didnt want to deal with that crap. Well at least I know what to expect next time.. On a more positive note: I hope that everyone’s holiday weekend went well!! Happy 4th!!
- Marci
PS: I just realized that it is the 5th!! So I guess I cant really wish you a happy 4th.. dammit this whole no parade on Sunday thing is really screwing me up....