[Oneshot] Friends In Weird Places

Apr 27, 2010 00:40

TITLE: Friends In Weird Places
AUTHOR: marciafan
CHARACTERS: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs, Helen Magnus (plus a few humorous additions)
GENRE: Crossover, Crack!fic, Humor, Friendship
SUMMARY: Sometimes meeting new friends can be...surreal.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is crossover crack!fic. Of the best, most laughable kind. Merely a device to feed my fandom obsessions. Approach with caution and handle with care.
Also, this wasn't beta'd and English isn't my first language. Therefore, Microsoft Words and I are to blame for all grammar mistakes and imperfections.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, nor am I making money out of this. If I were, I'd be rich by now. And I sure would like to own Magnus and Gibbs. Just sayin'.

“Seriously, Jen. You had to drag me here?” Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs grunted and growled as he led his red-haired director - and partner in life - through the crowded convention hall.

“You offered to be my detail for this, Jethro. I didn’t drag you anywhere, really. You came willingly.” Jenny Shepard retorted in a whisper, a devilish smile playing on her lips as she exchanged polite nods of her head with fellow personalities.

“You gave me no choice.”

“Oh no, I did. I told you I would have asked Tony to come with me, tonight.”

Gibbs glared at her, pressing his hand a little harder on the small of her back, possessively, “In this dress? Not an option.”

Jenny rolled her eyes at his remark, “So now you don’t like it anymore?” She murmured playfully.

He raised an eyebrow at her and leant closer, his warm breath lingering on her earlobe as he whispered, “I never said that.” His lips curved into an arrogant smirk as he felt her tremble slightly, and he let his eyes travel the length of her purple dress; taking in the tanned skin of her long legs peaking out from the slit that went right up to her thigh, the fabric of the dress clinging to her body in ways that a man would find hard to ignore.

And it wasn’t hard to see that the few men present at the event - most of them escorting their wives - were definitely not ignoring Jenny’s figure as she glided gracefully across the room.

“Men are staring at you.” Gibbs growled in her ear as they stopped at the bar and he ordered two shots of bourbon for them.

“You jealous?” Jenny teased him, her fingers dancing across the lapels of his suit coat.

“Nope.” The tone of his voice was neutral, but his answer came too quickly. And the way his jaw set and he glared fiercely at the bartender when he as much as looked at her longer than he should have, was enough to betray him, showing his irritation.

“Of course.” Jenny smiled into her tumbler as she drank a sip of bourbon, her eyes scanning the room thoroughly for known faces.

The convention centre of the Marriot Marquis Hotel in New York City was as crowded as it had been the year before, when junior director of NCIS, Jenny Shepard had been invited to attend the Stevie Awards for Women in Business.
Now - exactly one year later - here she was, waiting for the awards dinner to start, and waiting to hear her name be announced over the microphone by the host of the night, so that she could go up there and receive the award she had worked so hard to get.

She looked at Gibbs and smiled, noticing his eyes also scanning the room, looking out for potential threats, “You guys are outnumbered here.” She whispered playfully, her hand brushing against his in a gesture that was intimate, but just not so much to prompt awkward questions.

“I know, I don’t like it.”

She chuckled under her breath, “Chauvinist.”

Gibbs just gave her that lop-sided smile of his that always made her weak, and stepped behind her, observing her actions while still looking at the other guests.

A comfortable silence stretched between them, and Jenny smiled when the lights were slightly dimmed and people started to finally gather around the dinner tables, “Seems like we’re getting ready now… let’s go find our table.”


They found the fancy tags with their names sitting in front of two empty seats at a round table elegantly set for six, just a few feet away from the stage. A couple was already sitting at the table - their nametags vanished, giving Jenny and Gibbs no way to catch their names as they barely acknowledged their presence, too wrapped up in their hushed conversation.

A small, amused smile appeared on Jenny’s lips as Gibbs pulled her chair out for her and she sat down, observing the couple with mild interest. While Gibbs sat down next to her, Jenny looked at the nametags in front of the last two empty seats, frowning when she read a name she didn’t remember from the program.

She was about to point it out to Jethro, when her attention was whisked away by the sudden appearance of two women at their table.

A blonde and a brunette - the dark-haired woman taller and apparently a few years older than the blonde - they both had an air of confidence about them that was captivating. They moved gracefully, almost without making a sound, and Jenny looked with interest as they took their seats across the table from where she was sitting. Her trained eyes took in their similar features, the intense blue eyes and full lips on both their faces, and noticed Gibbs observing them with the same kind of interest.

As if sensing their gazes, the dark-haired woman looked up and shot them a gentle smile, “Good evening.” She simply said, and her thick British accent - tempered by something that was different altogether, as though many years spent travelling the world were echoing in her words with the sounds of foreign languages - only added to Jenny’s interest.

“Director Jenny Shepard, NCIS.” She introduced herself with a smile and held out her hand across the table.

“I’m pleased to meet you. Doctor Helen Magnus.” The woman smiled back and shook her hand firmly, the gesture expressing the same confidence that seemed to radiate from her in waves. “This is my daughter, Ashley.”

The younger woman smiled, and Jenny had to keep her jaw from dropping as her gaze flickered between the two of them, astonished. “It’s nice to meet you.” She managed, with a smile that didn’t quite conceal her surprise. “This is Special Agent Jethro Gibbs.” She then added, pointing at Jethro sitting close to her.

Gibbs acknowledged the fellow guests with a nod of his head, and they reciprocated; neither of them trying to hide the keen appreciation they were regarding him with.

“Wait a minute…” The other blonde woman sitting at the table finally took a break from the quiet argument she was having with her partner, her voice breaking the silence. “You’re Helen Magnus? The Helen Magnus?” She asked, her eyes wide and fixed on Helen.

The brunette gave a noncommittal smile and a tight nod of her head, but remained silent, apparently unaware of the way the woman was staring at her.

“I’m Carrie Bradshaw. I’m the one who will be up there handing you the award tonight.” She grinned, holding out her hand to shake Helen’s, and then turning to Jenny with the same smile on her face.

A flicker of amusement passed over Helen’s eyes, and Jenny felt her lips curve into a smile as the woman called Carrie shook her hand and smiled at her.

“So, the first female director of an armed federal agency, right?” Helen asked, bringing Jenny’s attention back to herself as Carrie was again caught up in the never-ending hushed argument with her sulking companion.

Jenny nodded shortly, “I see you read my bio on the program.”

“I did, and I was rather impressed.” Helen smiled, “A woman with a career as bright as yours surely deserves to be acknowledged with more than an award.”

“Well, thank you, Doctor.”

“Please, call me Helen.”

Jenny smiled, “Helen. I don’t remember seeing your name on the program, though. What award are you up for?” She saw Helen hesitate for a moment, and was surprised when her daughter spoke up for her.

“Mom is receiving the Lifetime Achievement award tonight.” The younger woman said, the tone of her voice and the sparkle in her eyes clearly expressing her pride for her mother’s accomplishment.

A quick glance passed between Jenny and Gibbs as the piece of information was revealed to them, but it went unnoticed by the other guests, obviously not at all accustomed to their silent communication.

Nevertheless, Jenny realized that a mild surprise must have been visible on her face, for Ashley decided to offer further explanation before they could even ask.

“She is the founder of a medical research network; we have facilities literally all over the world.” She said, still proudly but with no trace of arrogance in her words and voice.

“Wow. That is…impressive.” Jenny smiled, and was about to ask what kind of research they conducted in their facilities, when suddenly the stage lit up and the host of the event started to speak, his booming voice defeating every attempt to keep the conversation going.

Neither Jenny nor Gibbs missed the flash of relief passing across Helen’s face as her attractive features relaxed and the ghost of a smile appeared on her lips.


Two years later

The shrill ringing of the phone echoed through the deserted hallways of the Sanctuary, and even though she realized that it was the phone in her office that was ringing off the hook, she simply refused to interrupt her research and walk out of the library to answer it.

When it finally stopped ringing obnoxiously, she smiled - satisfied - and highlighted yet another line in the paper she was examining. This particular species of abnormal they had captured was quite rare and mostly unknown, and although it seemed to be rather docile, she definitely needed to know more about it.

“Magnus? It’s for you.” Her young protégé, Will Zimmerman, stuck his head into the library and smiled as he walked over to her. “From DC.” He whispered, handing her the phone.

Helen nodded and thanked him quietly, bringing the cordless phone to her ear, “Hello?”

“Hey, Helen. It’s Jen.”

The familiar voice of her friend made her smile, and for a second she felt bad for leaving the phone unattended, “Jenny! It is good to hear from you. How have you been?”

“Doing alright.” Jenny sighed and leant back against her chair in her office, “I’m sorry I haven’t called in a while, things have been hectic around here lately. Even now, I’m swamped with meetings and paperwork, I barely had time to grab a quick dinner and call you.”

“We’ve all been busy.” Helen smiled, getting up from her seat at the desk to sit in the armchair near the fireplace. “How’s Jethro?”

“He’s fine. Actually part of the reason why I’m calling.” Jen hesitated for a moment, before she kept on speaking, “He’s working on a case, and the murderer is apparently…a bit less than human.”

Helen frowned, “Was Jethro able to catch him?”

Jenny let out a frustrated sound, “That’s the point. He always manages to get away somehow. Sent one of Jethro’s team to Bethesda just today.” She sighed again and brought her hand to her face, rubbing her eyes, “This guy is dangerous. We need your help, Helen.”

A short silence followed Jen’s words, while Helen nodded slowly, her mind working fast, “I will have to talk to Ashley and Will, and get everything ready to leave. And I will need more information about this abnormal, everything you could gather about him so far.”

Jenny couldn’t help but sigh in relief as she nodded, “I will e-mail you all the data.”

Helen’s lips curved in a smile, “Alright. Give me 24 hours and I’ll see you in DC.”


jethro gibbs, sanctuary, jenny shepard, fun, helen magnus, fanfics, crack!fic, ncis

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