[Oneshot] Family Portrait

Feb 08, 2010 17:27

TITLE: Family Portrait
AUTHOR: marciafan
CHARACTERS: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs, Abby Sciuto
GENRE: Humor, Romance
SUMMARY: “This never ends well for the kids.”
PROMPTS: Challenge #1 "Screencaps", prompt #04. Challenge #5 "Song Lyrics", prompt #03. For Round #10 at madame_director
WARNINGS: Just a fluffy short story to celebrate Valentine's Day. It's not supposed to make much sense, and I'm afraid it may come off as quite OOC. I apologize for that.
NOTES: English isn't my first language and this is not beta'd, so please bear with me and my mistakes. Feedback (both positive and negative, as long as it's constructive) is very much appreciated. And this is for nicis_anatomy, because if she hadn't forced me to keep this, I would have never posted it. So thank you, hun!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, nor am I making money out of this. If I were, I'd be rich by now.

And I don’t want my mom to have to change
her last name. (Pink)

“Hey, guys.” Entering the quiet bullpen, a smiling Abby Sciuto buttoned her coat and looked around at her colleagues. Frowning when she noticed the somber looks on their faces. “What’s going on?”

“Jenny has got a date.” Ziva replied darkly, her eyes and the tone of her voice betraying just how much she disliked the situation.

“Oh, mommy and daddy are going out on a date?” Abby’s face lit up for a brief second, her smile fading away as she saw Jenny walk down the stairs with a man none of them knew.

McGee sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders when she snuggled into his side without another word, her silence speaking volumes. They all kept quiet as they watched Jenny leave with the man. And none of them spoke when Gibbs grabbed his coat and stormed out of the office with a look that could literally kill.

They stood and watched the scene unfold with sad eyes, moving imperceptibly closer to each other before Tony decided to speak up.

“This never ends well for the kids.”


“Hello, Abby.”


Jenny Shepard frowned and paused on the entrance of the lab, taken aback by Abby’s cold greeting. She expected Abby to be her usual hyper self; she expected the bone-crashing hug and casual chit-chat to start the day. She never thought Abby Sciuto could be so cold and distant.

”Is everything alright, Abby?” She asked, worry seeping through her voice.

“Of course, Director. What can I do for you?” Abby turned to her and Jenny almost stepped back at the coldness she saw in the girl’s emerald eyes. Thoughts started to fill her mind, as she tried to understand what she’d done wrong. Why would Abby be mad at her? She didn’t over-work her; she didn’t do anything that could piss the forensic specialist off. So why was she getting the cold treatment now?

“I… well, I just dropped by to say hi…” Jenny paused, giving Abby a tentative smile, “Thought we could have our usual morning chat, you know.”

“Oh, really?” Abby stared at her, her eyes still cold. “So tell me, Director… how was your date last night?”


Jen sat down on a stool at the counter and sighed. That was the problem, then. Her date. How could she forget how much Abby hoped to see her and Jethro get together again? Of course she’d be pissed at her for parading her date around the bullpen right in front of Jethro’s eyes. And in front of the kids.

‘The kids???!!’

She groaned inwardly at her own thinking. Since when had her employees become the kids? Oh, yeah. Since they all treated Jethro like a father. And seeing how she seemed to be incapable of getting over him, or vice versa, that made her the mother, right? She wasn’t even sure anymore.

“Abby, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t-” Jenny didn’t even get to apologize properly before Abby, apparently unable to restrain herself anymore, threw herself in her arms.

“Do you have any idea how much it hurt to see mommy going out on a date with another man?” The Goth mumbled against her shoulder in what sounded suspiciously like a tearful voice.

Jenny’s eyes widened, but she swallowed her surprise and tentatively patted Abby’s back, “I’m sorry, Abby. I didn’t mean to upset you ki- guys.” She paused, mentally kicking herself for how easily the word ‘kids’ was starting to slip from her lips. “If it makes you feel better, the date sucked.” She added, smiling when she felt Abby giggle lightly against her shoulder, and fighting the sudden urge to kiss the girl’s hair.

“Really?” Abby lifted her head and looked at her with her big green eyes, and Jenny couldn’t help but smile sweetly at her.

“Yeah, it was really really boring.”

Abby chuckled and her eyebrow arched as she shot Jenny a suggestive look, “I bet dates with Gibbs are never boring.”

Her words brought all kinds of memories to Jenny’s mind, and she couldn’t help but blush slightly as her mind filled with highly inappropriate images, “Never.” She just mumbled, and Abby didn’t miss her eyes sparkling for a second before she got up. “Well, I’d better let you get back to work now, Abs. But I’m glad we sorted this out.” She smiled and let the girl pull her into one of her tight, signature hugs.

“Me too, Director. Have a great day!” Abby released her from the tight hug and watched her leave. Immediately grabbing the phone and dialling a number frantically.

“McGee. She’s gone. Waiting for the elevator now. You know what you have to do.”


Leroy Jethro Gibbs didn’t exactly know why McGee said he should be going to see Abby. It was weird and uncommon. If Abby had something, she usually just called Gibbs herself. Why would she call McGee and tell him to send him down?

Still, he waited patiently in the elevator, going down to Abby’s lab. And when the doors opened everything seemed to fall back in place.


“Jethro.” She smiled at him and stood in front of the stalled elevator for a second, “You going to see Abby?”

“Thought so.” He nodded but didn’t attempt to move from his place inside the elevator.

“Well, be careful. She seems to be in a bit of a mood.” Jenny chuckled slightly and stepped in next to him, giving him a curious look.

“You going up, Jen?” He asked casually, leaning back against the cold steel wall and looking at her.

“Yeah. Shouldn’t you be getting out now?” She frowned, and looked even more surprised when he just pushed the button to her floor. “Guess you’re not.” She muttered, leaning against the wall as well.

A short silence stretched between them before he spoke again, “How was your date last night?” He asked, without looking at her.

Jenny glanced at him sideways and rolled her eyes, “A disaster. Apparently Senator I-Can-Get-Anything-I-Want gets happy hands on a first date. And when he wasn’t trying to grab my ass he was just plain boring.”

Gibbs listened to her recap of her date and tried to conceal his smirk. He couldn’t say he wasn’t happy that her date had been a disaster. But he didn’t think it would be nice to show just how happy he was.

“You can laugh, you know.” She mumbled, feigning a pout. But he could clearly see the smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Abby said she’s sure dates with you are never boring. Didn’t have the heart to tell her that we never really dated at all.”

He chuckled at that, and scooted a little closer to her, turning to look in her eyes, “Want to start tonight?”

A short, surprised silence followed his words, and before he knew it Jen had flicked the emergency switch and stalled the elevator in one fluid motion. Turning around to face him, “Is that your way to ask me out on a date, Jethro?” She asked, amusement evident in her voice and in her eyes.

“What if it is? What do you say?” He stared right into her eyes and didn’t miss the light dancing in her green orbs as she stepped closer to him.

“That dating is so overrated.”

He smirked and tentatively placed his hands on her hips to pull her closer, lifting an eyebrow in her direction, “So what do you suggest, Jen?”

“That we do what we’ve always done, Jethro. Why change something that’s worked so well?” She whispered, placing a light kiss on his jaw.

“So take-out at my place?”

“Sounds perfect.”

And after pressing a soft, quick kiss to his lips, Jenny turned around to flick the switch again, setting the elevator back into motion.


public entry, fanfics, madame_director contest, jibbs, ncis

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