(no subject)

Nov 11, 2009 00:07

  • 08:57 feeling strange in my throat. nOoooOOOooOOOoooooo. #
  • 09:27 my pencil sharpener and shavings look like a monkey!! twitpic.com/ozsd0 - #
  • 09:40 finishing a painting and looking at it in it's completion. #bestfeeling #
  • 12:11 Just took my 69th mugshot! www.dailymugshot.com/main/show/34887 #
  • 14:13 just cut a big chunk of my finger tip off...good thing i had a guitar callous there or i would be hurtin bad! LOL! #
  • 15:08 lady gaga is only weird because she hires people to make her weird. she's only as good as her designers and stylists. :p #
  • 16:49 i just unfollowed jordan knight because of this stupid retweet beta thing. i had like 20,000 retweets coming up about him! :p #
  • 16:53 I am SO in the mood to go Christmas shopping! What is up with me!? #
  • 18:46 youth meeting. wopeeee. not that i don't want to go. . .i just don't want to do anything lately. i think i need therapy. booo. #
  • 22:33 Just a little Artist Feature on my blog... Trying to get into doing this more often. My brain! digs.by/khk #
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