Jun 08, 2006 12:09
so yeah i am sure you can figure out what the title of this means after you read this. ;) enjoy...
SO yeah i havent written in like 10 days or whatever i think that is the longest that ihavent written, and man do i have a TON to write about. So yeah i guess i will just start where i left off....after the Basketball tournament in Sweden.
Um last week was spent taking exams (Philosophy and English...i already had taken my finnish exam the week before) and then getting my exams back (I got a 10 in Philosophy...i know HOLY SHIT!!! i thought i was getting a 6 in that cuz i had no clue what was going on and who talked about what and man i really hated that class...i am not big into Philosophy i guess. Then in English (creative writing) i got a 9 not bad would of liked a 10 but a 9 is still really good over here so whatever). Then on Saturday i had to go to school again for the graduation ceremony/end of the year ceremony...but before the school thing we (all the lutherans) got together at the lutheran church in Kulosaari and attened a church service (in finnish of course excpet for the gospel that was done in english...i was very excited about that). But anyways at the end of the year ceremony they give certain students awards for different things...and i got 90 euros from the autokuolo (car school) that i could use on anything...that was cool free money is ALWAYS nice...lol. After the ceremony i got my report card always exciting cuz i mean yeah good grades throughout the entire year except for advanced human biology..which i didnt know was advanced when i signed up for the course, but yeah it was so that was exciting since i had never taken a human biology course before then and i really didnt learn much in my biology course back home cuz face it we had krohn and well we built a chicken coop for like 1/4 of the year and then yeah he made it way too easy to pass...anyways and i also didnt get at least an 8 in Physics cuz i didnt take the exam and it is suppose to be a "pass" grade but they still put a number there for some reason so i will have to ask her about that when i get my transcript (which i need to get tomorrow..crap i need to remember to do that). But after i got my report the crying began (which is a way to say the goodbyes began and i hate goodbyes with a passion they are never fun and they are always sad (well if you are saying goodbye to something you enjoyed or liked). lets see then we decided to go out for pizza and to hang out before i had to go home and get changed to go to Maria's (my rotary club presidetn's daughter...and my friend) graduation party for a bit before heading to the harbor to pick up some of the Estonians that came over for Eurotour. So yeah i got to the graduation party and pentti my rotary president greets me with helo takes my jacket and then just hands me a glass of champange...i was like (in my head of course) you know how old i am...and yet you are giving this to me...alrighty :) ! so i stayed there for about 40 mintues gave them their presents and said thank you and goodbye and then left to go to the harbor.
Yeah i NEVER made it to the harbor i kinda got on the wrong tram and went to the wrong harbor (the one to Stockholm and not Tallin)so yeah i got a call and was just told to go back to the train station and they would be there soon...well one hour later they finally showed up (so we were all now...david, caio, luciano, jon, stephanie, miriam, cesar, and of course myself) from there most people went home but i took steph and jon to the pizza place that i ate at earlier cuz they were hungry and even though i didnt order anything they gave me a free pop cuz i brought them new service. anyways after that we went to meet max and jonna (and then lauri showed up a bit later) cuz i was saying goodbye to max and they got me a present (a sparking wine...tasted kinda like nast though) so we stood there and talked for a bit before actually saying goodbye and then we just rented two movies (which were both kinda crappy) and came back to my house to watch them. We watched 3 movies and a few episodes of Friends and talked for a bit that night before finally falling asleep...jon and steph slept at my house cuz I was going to Turku with them the following morning. So yeah we went to bed about 5:30 am and got up at 7:30am.
We met up with Jenn at the train station when we were going to Turku so we went with her also. It was only a two hour train ride and it was altough i am not sure how fun a train ride can be it can be but it was pretty fun just sitting there talking and singing and having fun i guess. Then we wandered around Turku for a bit and made our way to a park and hung out some more and talked about everything. After about 1.5 hours of that though we decided well now we can go to the harbor cuz people should be there by now and they were. Yippie! so yeah ih ad to sign a few books, took a TON of pictures (i think like 70 in 3 hours), and said my very teary goodbyes. But in-between that we went to the castle in Turku and messed around there...god i wihs i could of gone on Eurotour so much! :( But yeah so i was suppose to take the 4 pm train back home but i pushed it back to the 6 pm train cuz i didnt want to leave. But the two hour train ride back to helsinki was hell, so long and boring and sad even with my upbeat happy music, and especialy sad cuz i parted with my memories book that i wanted everybody to write in (and that people have already written in)...i was gunna read it on the plane ride home but no i cant read it till after Calvin College cuz i gave it to Steph to take on Eurotour to have everybody sign for me :(...if she loses it i will be soo pissed...but i trust that she wont so she better not prove me wrong! :)
That night i went to Anna and Sanda'a apartment cuz they were having their going away party ( i missed the other going away party that i was suppose to go to sadly). Lets just say that man Russian Vodka stays in you for a WHILE and it doesnt agree to well with me! but while everybody else left when her parents got home i stayed and hung out a bit with her little brother and them and actually fell asleep yet again...but i finally left abour 3:30 pm to go home and that was really sad cuz they are like 2 of my really good friends in finland and man i am gunna miss them soooo much! Wow that was only saturday and Sunday...bored yet? :)
Monday: um i think after i got home from Anna's and Sanda's i layed on the couch and barely ate i did something but i cant remember what it was for some reason...i know it wasnt drinking though...whatever!
Tuesday: well i woke up about 20 times during the night cuz from 6 am onwards people kept text messaging me (i HATE text messaging...i cant wait til i never ever have to text message again!!!) and it sounds like my alarm so i just stuck it under my pillow and didnt even look at the messages...opps i should of cuz i missed saying goodbye to nina (one of my friends that left taht morning for England). Then i spent the day doing stuff on the computer and getting pictures situated and other stuff. Then at 11 pm i left to go to helsinki to meet up with Hanna so we could catch the last bus to the Airport and spend the night there. That was actualy a pretty good night (all you need are some caffine pills and it all works out). We played cards, braided hair, listened to music, talked, and were just plain loud Americans (thanks much to the caffine pills we had).
Wednesday: well about 5:30 we checked her two empty bags home and then met up with Chris to say goodbye to him also...man they really kicked it off two (they both love to talk so it makes sense)..i should of introduced them earlier in the year. then by 6:15 they went through security which was sad cuz i had to say goodbye to another two of my friends from Finland...arg! So yeah i got home at 8:30 am that morning ate some breakfast and then went to bed cuz i was going to the end of the season party for basketball later that day. I wanted to be up by 1pm but i didnt wake up til 3:30pm and then i still needed a shower, food, and get crap done in the 2 hour time span before i had to leave. Well i ended up mising my train by 2 minutes, and then when i took the next train i missed my bus by one minute...perkele! oh well i just had to wait for half an hour for the next one. then when i finally got to Mira's apartment building i couldnt find the main entrance door so i stood outside and waited for another person to come (it was Jenni the non-english speaker) and then i followed her in. I stayed there for abotu 3 hours before leaving to come home...in those 3 hours they ate, talked, and we watched the video that we made on our trip to Sweden..god that was hilarious and at the very end of the tape is me saying thank you and goodbye. I got home at midnight...for some reason i was still tired.
Thursday: well finally today...i was planning on going to the Rotary meeting but then my plans changed and i ended up not going cuz i had to stay at home and wait for my basketball club manager to come to my house and pick up the basketball uniforms that i borrowed for the sweden tournament. But first since i didnt really have any pictures of me in them i had to take some pictures of them. And now i am sitting here and writing this and it has taken me about one hour to update. SO yeah that is it for now but i do plan on playing football later with the mormon missionaries that i play football and volleyball with at times. Paska I have the hiccups! take care and see ya soon only 8 more days...:S