Title: I Only Think of You
lovetoosweetPair: Takaki Yuya / Arioka Daiki; ex-TakaYama
Rating: PG
Summary: Arioka Daiki must fight for Takaki Yuya's love. However, is it worth it to fight with only a memory of Takaki's ex?
roughededged's birthday which is coincidentally, Daiki's too. Yes, this is a countdown.
Long nimble fingertips grazed the side of the frame and they fell silently back to his side. Slowly, before he could change his mind, he placed the frame on the box and taped it to a close. It took him all his willpower to call onto the moving service so that they could pick up his things.
“Yuya, you’re doing the right thing.” Yabu patted his back and gave him a small smile, “Come on and ride with me, we need to get moving before Kei calls me and hauls my ass back to the office.”
Takaki nodded at his friend and motioned for him to go first. They’ve been friends for years, Yabu knew exactly what his every action meant and he was thankful for it.
Yabu breathed a sigh and said, “Follow soon,” then turned to the door and left.
As soon as Takaki heard the door click close, he buried his face on his hands and let the last of his tears fall. It’s been more than three years since he last broke down because that was his promise, he won’t cry, would never let anyone see him cry and pity him. However, keeping inside him the pain he’s been going through isn’t enough anymore so after much discussion and fights; he finally relented and agreed to move houses.
“I’m not leaving, just moving…” he whispered to the wall but he knew exactly who the words are for. “I’m never going to leave you, you know that. But they’re right, you died and I’m alive because I can’t just go on living like the dead.”
A few minutes passed as if he was relinquishing every memory the whole house brought to him. And that was right because this house was more than just his home, it was theirs when they agreed to finally move together a year before he died.
“I love you.”
“Hello, I’m Arioka Daiki your housemate!”
Takaki blinked back a groan when he saw his new housemate. Memories immediately plunged to his mind because no matter how he sees it, this person standing in front of him reminds him so much of the person he just left. But he didn’t break down; he’ll wait until later for that.
“Hi, I’m Takaki Yuya.” He forced a smile as he took the hand forced upon him, “It’s very nice to meet you.”
a/n: this is written as an advance happy birthday for my otp jess (roughededged) and at the same time, to daiki's who share the same birthday as her. yes, this is a countdown. one chapter will be posted per day. if you're going to ask who takaki's ex was, check the pairings and your question shall be answered. please tell me what you think? :D