Got the Bleach OST II today in the post - what a disappointment - thought there'd be more kick-ass tunes like the first one, but they were all quite crap. T_T Boohoo
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I'm glad you had a good night with your dad. Do you fancy meeting up at the weekend? saturday afternoon or sunday or something?
I'm kind of torn with the Johnny Depp because i'm doing year 10 media coursework with the trailer of 'Finding Neverland' but then you know me and the love for Robert Rodriguez so i'm gunna have to agree with hayley_beth24 and say Once Upon a Time in Mexico, although he was quite spiffy in Chocolat... damn why does he have to be good at everything? Why can't this be easy?!
Saturday is fine just swing by any time, i'll either be hyper because its nearly the end of term or miserable because i'll have had my first assessment by my tutor on friday morning, be warned ok? hehehe
okay, will probably swing round after work, we coud pop into town if u like. I'll be on guard in case you look like you're about to dissolve into tears and whatnot...
I'm kind of torn with the Johnny Depp because i'm doing year 10 media coursework with the trailer of 'Finding Neverland' but then you know me and the love for Robert Rodriguez so i'm gunna have to agree with hayley_beth24 and say Once Upon a Time in Mexico, although he was quite spiffy in Chocolat... damn why does he have to be good at everything? Why can't this be easy?!
After work is fine :)
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