Okay, a few things.
1. Nerdery: will be seeing Kevin Smith live in a few weeks with my cousin. Am fully prepared to become the nerd among what will surely be the masses of my like-minded, mouth-breathing brethren.
2. My sister is probably maybe going to be able to buy my Grandmother's house. This is both awesome and weird at the same time. My mother is still shitting all over the idea, I am hoping we will eventually be able to sell her on the idea.
3. Whoo, I've moved on to the next round of Teacher's College applications for York University. I don't know if I really want to go there anymore (given their bazillion month long strike), but being called in for an interview definitely makes me confident about my chances there and elsewhere. Pray for mojo. Also pray for my continued eloquence and a burst of sudden interview skills.
4. While I am up on other memes, I am usually far behind on youtube-related frenzies. You have probably seen this. But I did lol.
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5. The new A.C. Newman album kills.
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