Apr 06, 2006 00:04
If I make it through to Monday, I should get a medal. It's bad. This is one of those weeks in college where time management is going to play a crucial role. I have no tolerance for time management. Seriously, I might go insane and leave school. Even though there are about 5 weeks left. Just up and leave. It's that critical. This is how it's going down:
Media Writing test
Production Test
Relay for life meeting
Weather for News7
Finish research paper
Geology Test
Force sleep
Relay for Life at 7p all the way until ...
Relay for life ends at 7am (12 hours over night, it's amazing)
Trip to Waco (sleeping or working on history paper on the way up)
Come back from Waco
Sleep or write my history paper
History Paper due
Like I said previously, if I make it to Monday Afternoon alive, I should get a medal. If you see or talk to me next week, you know I made it.