Jun 16, 2007 22:29
(sings)YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND BABY, RIGHT ROUND LIKE A RECORD BABY...!!! I LOVE THIS SONG!!! OFF TO MESS UP THE LIVING ROOM SLIGHTLY, JUST A TAD SO JOU DOESN'T DISSAMBLE ME TOTALLY!!! hEY, I CAN READ MY TYPING AGAIN!!! STUPID CAPS!!! (running around, rearranging random things lying around, like books, or putting things originally not on the ground on the ground) YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND BABY, RIGHT ROUND LIKE A RECORD BABY!!!(runs off singing)
((OOC: he's destroying the living room! but not majorly, and he apparently can type okay when hes' hyper..felt like posting again^^ now off to other people's journals!!)