Oct 07, 2006 19:23
It wwas grueast havoing eveeryoine opver toiday!
WE ate and talkwed anmd watchued tv abnds playwed games and had a greast time, juist us partner diugimon. Thios is oine of the first tiomes we';ve giotten togesther wuithoiut oiur partners in thios world, and it was awesiome!
Hahahaha... the loiok oin A=rmkadiomon';s face when he had the wasawbe-and-chiolli oni-yummybakll was greast! I tiold youi I;'d get yoiu back... AND to watch yoiur stomach!!!!!
Whoi';se the greastest prankster? GOMAMON! THAT;'S WHO!!!!
ANmd I doin;'t know why Hawkey dioesn';t like beiong caleld that. He diodn';t like when Armadiomoin called hiom Biordbioy either.
Ooh!!! Armadiomoin and Pateamoin and I hads an idea! WE diogimon shoiuld all dress up as Pokemoin for Yamatio's concert. 'cauoise we';re all alloweed to coime, ruight?
NAnyways, I hads a great time tiodsay. WE shoiuld all try to gest together miore often. Digimon dasys rule!
[[hope this all is ok... >.>]]