
Sep 13, 2012 15:56

I've just spent the last couple of minutes writing an email to a friend and have now decided to post pretty much what I wrote to her.
I'm stuck in the middle of my story, well the start to be honest! I have written the first chapter and it was in first person (my preferred way of writing) and it just didn't flow right so I have redone it in second person and it works better but needs 'fleshing out', but now I have no idea how big the story is going to be and what I want to do with it! I want more angst and it is supposed to be a Hurt Dean story so I need more hurt in it! Yikes! so yeah a bit stuck....
On a personal front I am going out tonight to see a play which has an actor who trained at my school, the director and designed both trained at my school (and teach here) and is using a venue which is very good -
I'm going with a mate and will end up having a few drinks and a meal!
So probably a good night.
I wish you all a good day/night

rambling, writer's block, life

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