I won't get enough sleep tonight, but I just have to write everything down NOW.
Today was like: Woah. Good / Bad / Good / Better / The Best! / ...sore throat?!
Where shall I begin? The day started with my drive to the university. I've spent some hours with Alex and Sebastian because Sebastian had his office hour [is this the right term? We where there in our student's council room, prepared for a bunch of helpless freshmen to answer their questions]. They gave me a heart attack. I've made a mistake with selecting my courses in English. It's just a tiny little thing, but if I don't inform my profs about it I might get in trouble. It is not sure that I will, though. But I might.
When I came home I felt like shit because of it. To remind you: to study at a university in Germany costs you a lot of money. Let alone the fact that I have to live in my own flat, have to eat, need cloths and stuff like this. I've planned to get through this in three years [plus one year aboard in Japan]. If I had to do all of my English courses again just because I selected "Japanese" instead of "English" in one tiny line - no, I don't even want to start thinking about it.
Anyway - I suddenly realized that I've been living together with
spiegelaugen for one year now. The sorrow was completely gone for a moment. Because even if we had some struggles during this year we have made it so far. And in my opinion I think we did fairly well.
So I believe things will sort themselves out. It was a hard year. It was a bright and a dark year. An interesting one.
I think I've gotten closer to John. A lot more.
I've met so many people who I don't ever want to loose again. I've learned so much and know now that I still have to learn so much more.
I love my room because it feels as close to 'home' as it can get here in Germany.
And I remember quite a lot of funny conversations with Sery. <3 Like the Super Aiba Pig! Or the cliffhanger in our kitchen.
Really - even though I tend to complain a lot I am very, very thankful for everything. I really am. This is something I cannot take for granted.
I have to remind myself: This is something I have wanted for so many years. And now that I am here, finally...
I am so lost for words.
Everyone: Thank you.
The last thing: Today was the Japanisch Stammtisch. I haven't been there for months because well... Don't now. I didn't feel like going.
But I'm glad I have. I met a lot of new students [keep in mind, the new semester starts next week and I am part of the student's council, so it was more or less vital for me to be present to the new students xD].
There were quite a few cute girls there, too. Sigh. Guess all of them were straight. xD
Oh we will make green tea muffins at Julian's home this Sunday. Together with two girls from the new year, Alex and Kazu. Looking forward to it!
And I have a new tandem partner. His name is Naoto [which I like] and he seems to be very kind. Bad Sery, by the way. If you read this:
ò____ó Just because of you I couldn't stop starring at him, thinking "Oh shit, he so looks like Ninomiya Kazunari!" @__@ It was so confusing!
Hutalex was there, too. Aww, I will miss him. And Tyna had made green tea cookies for us, which were SO damn delicious!
That's if for today. Oh well. My sore throat gets worse. Hate it. I have to be genki for the upcoming semester...