bookmarking this page right now, guys..
I've given it a lot of thought lately that I don't have the productivity drive like I used to. My sleep cycle is completely off, I can't retain information too well.... Which leads me to one conclusion: I need a sleep overhaul.
30 minutes naps every 6 hours. two hours of sleep in a 24-hour period.
...Can you imagine a home without a bedroom? Just a Creativity room? You can pass out on the couch and not even have use for a bed... (no use for a bed... think of the mattress and bedding markets decline... No wonder they don't publicize this.)
We're taking the challenge around here. for the first couple of days (3-10) you'll be a zombie. That's fine with me, I don't drive to or from work. but how much could you get done with that much time on your hands? Sleep doesn't rule you at all, that way. You can take a power nap and be on your way. You can sleep in the car if you have to. You have no need for a bed....
I hope this won't be too bad, but I'll give it a try~!
I'm making some progress with my... style. xD Please excuse my broken mirror~
Also put in my first ever order for closet child... (not the CD part) and an h.NAOTO jacket will be in my hands in a few days. Looking forward to it~ :3