Nov 28, 2005 05:09
To The Viewer:
I will delete any comments left on this post.
Lately things have been crazy. Work is getting boring, the supervisor doesn't know how to be a supervisor in the sense of he doesn't know wtf he's supposed be concerned about. My marriage is very happy but others such as friends and family think its falling apart for the following reasons:
Mother in Law Belives:
I'm controlling my wife; what she wears, where she goes, how she talks, and walks, and has a very ignorant belief that I'm mentaly and physically abusing my wife.
Reasons for believing:
1. Mother in law buys reviling outfits that single women wear to attract as many men as possible.
a.Susan says "My husband wouldn't want to see me in that, because he likes me in (blank) wardrobe instead."
b.When I'm grumpy, I express it. Those that have been close or are close to me KNOW this, and HOW. expample: wife"Dianetics is a real philosophy, but my opinion doesnt matter" me:"Fine, Fuck your opinion"
2.I'm uncomfortable with my wife going to san fransisco to a bar with her brother without her husband. why? She likes to flirt. who doesn't? can't blame women for doing that, and I know its harmless but alchohol+men+flirting/mis-leading is a BAD mixture. mother in-law belives susan should be able to do whatever she wants to, when she wants to. without any IFS ANDS OR BUTS from her husband.
a.Susan is content (from what she has said to me) without going.
3. Mother in-law thinks we need marriage counciling because of the "conflicts" we've had.
a. shes only heard about the bad things, because those are the only times you want somoene to talk to. when you get something good, you brag about it.
Reason why I'm so pisssed off:
1. The divorced basket-case has no room to talk. its no wonder she isn't married anymore.
2. Last I checked her name was NOT on the marriage license, I don't care wtf she thinks, because its not my job to make her happy. her last husband was supposed to do that, and he left her for a reason.
3. She says I'm not making her daughter happy, which is complete bull. I pay all the bills, then spoil my wife until it hurts. thankyou very fucking much for noticing. I have a spending report of all the gifts of affection I've bought my wife, and it goes on, and on and ON.
4. Her children (my other in-laws) try to but-in and say stupid shit like "you dont tell your wife to 'get bent' and you dont say 'fuck you and your opinion' how can you expect your wife to respect you when you dont respect your wife" they've no room to talk either for the following reasons:
a. They aren't married, they don't understand "grumpy dj"
b. defenition of me "grumpy"- I will take it out on whoever, say whatever, and not mean a god damn thing. Once I get sleep I appologize and everyone is happy again. ask my mother she has had to deal with my grumpy "fuck off and die" attitude and is the only one who has been exposed to it enough to know the true inner-workings. The reason why it makes my comments OK is because I'm VERY consistant with appologies. so when you get hurt emotionally, and I pass out on the couch. You KNOW FOR A FACT!!! you're getting an appologie as soon as my skinny ass gets up. I think I've told off the following people while "Grumpy"
- My mom (a million times)
- My dad (a few times)
- My syblings (in order of most frequent, Shannon, Danielle, Patrick, Robert)
- Ryan, Nick and Stephen (less than a few times)
- My wife (a lot)
I'm done with that.
Paragraph-style Entry:
World of Warcraft has become very addicting thanks to my father. I went from 29, to 39 playing like 2hrs a day, or when I could. in a few months. As I near level 60 I get more and more anxious to reach the End-Game and start PVPing. And the expansion pack is motivating me to get to 60 as well. I asked my dad for an iPaq Hx4705 for christmas. reason being: I can access the web wherever I get a connection (check bank statements while shopping) balance the checkbook, make a budget, use it to make grocery lists and schedules, play MP3's, watch full-length movies, emulate; snes, nes, genesis and atari games, and last but not least, transfer data from my pc to my iPaq. I don't know what to get my wife for christmas, because she wont tell me anything specific. And I havn't even come up with a single thing for her to get me, lol. I'm so happy with the life I've made for myself, and even more happy that I get to share my success with the woman I love more than anything. So thankyou to god, and my life-partner for all the things I've given and recieved, I will never be happier. I love you Susan.