DAY 10 - check, check.

Mar 10, 2013 18:54

How are we doing, guys? Not so great? Yeah, me neither. I've reached the point in the story where I hate everything (this is a normal part of my writing process, so I think it means I'm still on track). I am failing to complete one scene per day, though.

Anyway, Project #1 hasn't been touched since the last post, but Project #2 has reached 11,000 words and... OH MY GOD IT'S NOT EVEN HALF DONE YET? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

Seriously, though, it can't be good that the real "plot" of the story is only just getting going at around the 9k word mark, yeah? That... that's A LOT of setup, am I right? I also have some later scenes already written (which puts the actual wordcount at more like 14k, just not linearly) and I fear I will have to rewrite and/or scrap some of them to make it work. I hate doing that.

Is anyone interested in doing a quick read-through for me? Just to tell say 'KEL, YOU ARE FAR TOO VERBOSE. CUT BACK A LITTLE. ALSO THIS MAKES NO SENSE.' I'll be glad to return the favor.

How are your projects coming along? Have you set anything on fire yet?

progress, *kel

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