Jun 28, 2006 08:20
How grateful I am to my sister-in-law for the years she has sacrificially given care to my mother who has early alzheimers. Linda is a nurse, and her job is one of consultation where she works out of her home. Since my father died in 1992, Mom has lived with my brother and his wife. Byron built her a bright new mother-in-law suite in the basement of their home. In recent years, she'd been neglecting herself and was moved up to the master bedroom en suite, joing the family for meals and being more accessible for the day-to-day direction and care she now needed.
Two years ago, it was decided it was time to put Mom on the waiting list for a residential nursing facility. My older sister and I were consulted. I'm close enough geographically to be able to tour the two facilities they had in mind. Today I received the faxed commitment papers from my brother to co-sign. Mom will be put into the older of the two nursing homes within the next three months. When a bed becomes available, 1 1/2 to 3 years from now, she will be transferred to the newer one. It's a sad day. I'm feeling guilty that I'm not able to provide home care even to give Linda some respite. I noticed, on my last visit, she seemed to be at the end of her rope with Mom. So I understand the need, but it is still a sad day.
Today at work, there was confusion regarding accounting information I had submitted. Sometimes when people discuss disagreement in the accounting, and I am in the middle because I submit the deposits and bills, I feel like my integrity is in question. That makes me angry. I shouldn't let it. Obviously, if we go over the receipts and deposits carefully, the problem will come to light. But nevertheless, I get all out of sorts. I am grateful for the good people I work with and for their patience with my moodiness.
Just as I was leaving work today, on my way to celebrate the freedom anniversary of one of my former tenants, I was met by two of my current tenants who were upset at a third tenant because they felt he had stolen some money from a wallet in one of their rooms. I listened and promised to think about it and decide what I would do. That just kind of topped off my difficult day. When I got home late last night, I invited my mentor Ray in to give me support while I confronted the accused. Of course, he denied it and was angry about being suspect, offering to move out at the end of the month. Ray and I went for a walk to discuss the situation. Ray felt I was enabling him which would do him no good. The fellow had drawn his own line in the sand by offering to move out, and Ray felt I should use that way of escape to bring an end to his negative effect on the household. I just felt kind of miserable as I always feel when one of the guys is not doing well.
I have to be off to a meeting now. I give these things to God. I need my head in the right space today.