Mar 07, 2007 14:13
Let me firstly say that I wasn't in a great mood to begin with as I'm coming off having a stomach bug and some horrible chest cold and that my husband had the stomach bug and therefore couldn't help me as much as he wanted to be with my 19 month old daughter who has had the stomach bug for a WEEK and now has a cold and a double ear infection. needless to say, we've had a tough week and I'm still recovering from it all.
so, it would have been nice to go to my 38 wk appt today and at least get some reassurance that my body might maybe, even a teensy tiny bit, be preparing for labor. no such luck. all the contractions I've been having on and off for months and not a damn thing is happening to my cervix. the baby is head down, but she's not engaged at all. My ticker says I have 11 days left until my due date. I'm starting to believe that it is a BIG FAT LIAR and I'm not ever having this baby. I do worry in all seriousness that my body is just slow on the uptake since I never even had a trial of labor when they did my c/s with my daughter. by then, she was 4 days overdue with no contractions, no cervical changes, no nothing going on with my body at all.
but all of that isn't really what made me annoyed today. see, I'm trying for a VBAC and the whole time the rule has been that if I go into labor on my own & they need to help it progress (i.e. pitocin or whatever the case) that that was an option but under no circumstances would they do an induction if my body didn't start something on it's own as it increases the chances of uterine rupture etc when your body isn't ready. They basically also told me that if I wanted I could pick a day and say if I haven't had the baby by my due date, I will have a c/s on X day.
well the dr today (who I haven't seen in a while just bc of scheduling, but who is def not my favorite one in this practice at all) was telling me all kinds of conflicting info. She said that I could sched a c/s instead of trying for a VBAC at all and that it would be at about 39 weeks. but that I couldn't set one up for after/around 40 ish weeks. Then she told me that they WOULD do an induction, but THAT couldn't be done until about 41 weeks, even though all along I've been told that it would be better to not go past my EDD since the bigger the baby is, the harder to have a VBAC - which may or may not be true, either way, it's contradictory to what I've been being told the whole rest of my pregnancy.
I kept trying to make sense of what she was saying and why it was the truth but she kept confusing the issue and not explaining her logic at all so I just kind of gave up. I see the midwife again next week instead and I probably don't have to see this particular dr again in the office (hopefully) so I'll try to sort it out with someone else. It was just really frustrating to feel like you have no idea about the possible contingency plan if things don't happen naturally. I don't want to show up one day and them be like "so why didn't you do this or that" and feel like I didn't know I was supposed to be preparing for it...
sorry this got so long. I'm sure there are quite a few of you out there who are as anxious & exhausted as I am, so hopefully you'll understand. thanks for listening.
38 wks 3days