34 week check up

Jan 26, 2007 16:10

Garret's 34 week check up was today.  He's doing stellar! I don't think we've ever heard his heartbeat so strong via the Doppler, he was right up under my belly button, as usual and sleeping soundly so she had no problems chasing him with the thing.

I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead.  Yeah... I did that with Tessa too.  I looked at my records and discovered I've been measuring 2 weeks ahead since week 24, and again I did the same with Tessa as well.

I had a chance to talk to Doc. Mary about the whole pitocin for third stage thing.  I basically said that there was one issue from ourdiscussion of the birth plan that I couldn't let go, that had me upset and it was mostly because I could see a lack of understanding - as if I had said something very foreign to her... and explained that while I was open to medical intervention to save lives, I truly didn't want anything like that for any step of the birth.  No tugging, no massage,nothing... that I was working very hard with the hypno-birthing and that my body would handle everything... that I didn't even want to push- but would ride the waves of contractions out and let my body do what it was designed to do - to release a very healthy little boy on nature's terms.

She understood about the whole pitocin thing, and unless I've got problems, she's hands off.  They have to be real problems though, not medical convenience problems.

I know I'm a LOT crunchier than her normal patients (she sees people from extremely wealthy areas of the Hartford Capital region, lemme tell ya they are the mom's who practically beg for general anesthesia and convenience C sections so they can make sure their husbands make their own schedules... like that woman who scheduled a C section so her hubby can go to the Bears game...) and I think I've got a lot of  concepts that bring her back to basics... and I think she appreciates it although there are times I wonder if she's not smirking LOL!

I have an ultrasound in 2 weeks to assess his target weight, and *eek*a Group B strep test...  oh joy of joys... that test is always fun. That said however, we'll get an idea if the little budda has stayed head down, and an estimate for weight (give or take a pound on eachside, yes I cornered her on the veracity of US results, although she's doing it her self and has a fairly good record on being accurate on these... I do love that she's willing to say that there can be a margin of error however - she doesn't put herself on a pedestal.)  Garret's Daddy was not tiny at birth (nearly 9# and 24 inches) so Garret might not be tiny himself...


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