Eleanor is 11 months old today!

Dec 28, 2006 11:59

In honor of Eleanor's 11 monthaversary, here are her top 11 favorite things to do (drum roll please):

11.  Trying to pet kitty cats.

10.  Drinking by herself.

9.  Screeching, babbling, and making random sounds.  No words yet.

8.  Shaking anything that rattles.  Right now she has a pair of jingle bell earrings (gift from a student) that she won't put down.

7.  Emptying her toy basket.  I put the stuff back in.  She takes it all out.  I put the stuff away.  She takes it back out.  Rinse, repeat.

6.  Taking a bath and splashing.

5.  Bouncing.  It doesn't matter if she's sitting or standing.  She likes to bounce.

4.  Eating.  Cheerios, fruit puffs, cereal, dog food, whatever.

3.  Standing and pushing things around (the coffee table on the wood floor is a favorite, as are empty boxes).

2.  Putting things in her mouth and biting: keys, her crib, the coffee table, Christmas lights...

1.  Climbing on, crawling over, and just generally hanging on to Mom or Dad.

I can't believe she will be a year old in one month.  Where did the time go?  What are your baby's favorite things to do?

x-posted to my journal
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