so we went to the doc's this am for regular checkup and to talk about ultrasound results...
The baby being breech is no big deal. Apparently only 4% are like that at birth, and the baby is plenty active and gaining weight fast (which is also no big deal, babies grow at different rates too), so he thinkis its likely that he will turn. He said if I'd like, i can lay on the floor with a blanket rolled up under my hips to tilt my pelvis up, and lie like that for about 15/20 minutes. He says the theory is the baby gets confused with the displacement and will try to flip around. Once they get head down at this stage, its very likely they stay that way, due to the shape of the uterus and the majorily of their weight being distributed in the head and upper back.
He also gave me this photocopied pamphlet on breech babies. I wish i didnt read it! I was all satisfied that it was no big deal and then i read it and it says breech babies are more likely to be premature and have birth defects...and I was wtf are they trying to say? But I am not going to let myself freak out about that too much. No one has said i have an odd shaped uterus or any of hte other symptoms common to breech babies so I will just keep my fingers crossed on that one. If there's one thing i'm not, is the paraniod-freak pregnant girl type.
i will take some belly pics soon too, but here are my most recent ones:
LOL, i had to hold my chest up becasue it also is massive and interfered with understanding the true massiveness of the baby belly.
and here's our outfits for the hostpital (my fiancee's favorite color is yellow ;) ) all in all, a good appointment. Not much else to update except there is housework calling my name that definately needs to be done, and the appt is looking SOOO good! i hope to take pics by the end of the weekend, when we have all the boxes out and stuff.
I have also began packing bags for the hospital. We expect to meet our little Myles Alexavier in 4-6 weeks, but he could show up anytime, ya know!