Nov 07, 2005 16:13
Well, I proofed the new Fannin shirt today and it looks awesome. If the finished shirt looks as good as the proof, this will be on kick ass shirt. No new shows until the 15th, when I head out to West Virginia to see Pondo's show. I look forward to seeing Necro, Toby, and Ruckus the most, especially Necro, of course. I also can't wait to heckle Dr. Graves, I have wanted to get on his case from the second I saw him on tape. I am going back down to Alabama again in Dec., to hopefully watch a complete IWA-DS deathmatch tournament. I was impressed by Insane Lane and Spidar Boodrow, hopefully with only 8 guys this time, Lane will get a little more time to showcase his skills. Maty Shiftbower (?), aka Old School was also memorable, he took some cool bumps. If I can ever promote a show, I would book all three of them in a heartbeat. The IWA-MS KOTDM is around the corner also, sure to be an awesome weekend. I am kicking myself for not riding with Ian, Mickie, and Fannin to Hardcore Homecoming, the results actually make the show sound pretty good. Taipei Death 2 saw Ian lose, but I've heard it was brutal and blood soaked, so I hope it comes out well on DVD. I am sure I will update again before Pondo's show, but until then, choose life, Choose Fannin.