Warhammer time.

Apr 22, 2010 04:59

So I've taken up the Warhammer 40k hobby. Not done anything but build like 3 or 4 units so far and nothing permanent since I'm gonna paint them at some point, but enough to get a feel for the guys. With that sad, here's my first bit of writing in that universe, I hope the first of many.

You don't need to know the specifics, but anything that confused you, just google the work with warhammer after it and you'll get an idea behind it.

The air burned with the smell of burning flesh. It wasn’t a smell he was accustomed to by any means, but it wasn’t a new stench. Around him the bodies of Imperial Guardsmen littered the landscape. The situation wasn’t exactly going well for the Imperial troops. That, however, was about to change.

All around him drop pods were landing, unloading other members of his chapter. The thunderous sound of his fellow Marines clamoring into squad position drowned out the sound of plasma rifles and boltguns, for a moment at least. A tense moment passed before the Inquisitor appeared. This was his first time with the Deathwatch and working under the Inquisitor was… different.

The Inquisitor stepped from the drop pot. He was a large man, imposing even amongst the Deathwatch. His grey hair was parted neatly, the man was as much a bureaucrat as a warrior and it showed. He turned, facing the Kill Team assembled before him.

“Gentlemen, the situation is obviously not good, this is why we are here. You all know your roles. There is nothing to discuss.” He turned to face the core of the fighting and raised his fist, encased in power armor and clutching a bolt gun. “SUFFER NOT THE ALIEN TO LIVE.

The charge was brutal, not only were countless Xenos scum trampled underfoot, the speed and bulk of the Deathwatch surprising, but the landscape was torn asunder as the Kill Team moved. The Inquisitor led the charge, the first to draw Xenos blood, the first to claim a kill. He may have been a bureaucrat but he was damned lethal. As he yanked his chainsword from the corpse their eyes met.

“DAMN IT MARINE, GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR.” His bellow could be heard clearly over the din of war, the marine bolted himself into motion. His shame was tangible, he was letting down his team, the Inquisitor, and most of all, the Emperor. The Marine rushed to catch up to his brethren and make up for his moment of impotence. He yelled out as blood splattered his face, the act of killing had become routine, mindless. No longer was he filled with a burning rage at the Xenos invasion, matter of fact, he didn’t feel much of anything. He was simply doing his duty.

The fighting became a blur. Tau and Kroot alike were crushed beneath the Kill Team’s armored feet. The black armor quickly turned red as blood and gore coated them. The bulk of the Xenos fight was still ongoing, but for the moment the area around the Deathwatch was calm. The Marines took a moment to regroup and resupply, additional drop pod providing them additional munitions. It was during this brief respite that the Inquisitor stormed into the squad.

“Just what the hell are you thinking out there soldier?” His face was inches from the Marine’s, the heat from his breath a cool respite compared to the pounding sun.

“Sir?” the Marine’s eyes darted around in confusion.

“You think we’ve got the time for you to sight see while the rest of us bust our asses? We’re here to do a job, Marine; we’re here to support the Imperial Guard and turn the tide against the enemies of the Emperor. We are NOT here to observe and daydream.”

“I… sorry sir, I’m not sure what came over me.” The large solider looked little more than a child beneath the Inquisitor’s probing glare, “It won’t happen again, sir.”

“You’re damn right it won’t, get your ass back up onto the Battle Barge. I will deal with your heresy when we’ve won this battle.”

The short trip to the barge was torture. Heresy? Him? The pilots of the Thunderhawk threw a few disparaging glances his way, but didn’t speak. Once the Thunderhawk docked with the Barge, he was led to a holding cell and stripped of weapons and armor. Heresy was no laughing matter, especially when the accuser was a hardened Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos. Hours passed as the marine sat in his holding cell, no contact from anyone, no status on how the battle on the planet below was going, nothing but his own thoughts.

Heresy? Me? But I’m a Marine, a damned good one. Good enough to be drafted into the Deathwatch. My whole life has been dedicated to eradicating heresy in all its forms. To think he would be capable of such was… well it was heresy. What had happened? He had always been embraced by the divine fury that drove Space Marines, it was why he’d been selected for Deathwatch. His fervor had unmatched in his unit. He bore an undying love for the Emperor and for slaughtering the Emperor’s enemies. And now he sat, locked in a room as if here were an agent of Chaos.

Eventually the battle on the planet below ended and the Deathwatch was recalled. The remaining forces would be easily mopped up by the Imperial Guard. The door slid open and the Inquisitor walked in, caked in blood and viscera. He hadn’t even bothered to clean up before beginning his interrogation. For a moment, the Inquisitor did not speak. He simply pulled a steel chair up and sat in it, his enormous bulk and weight causing it to whine beneath him. His stare bore into his soul, judging what it found before uttering a single word.

Eventually the battle on the planet below ended and the Deathwatch was recalled. The remaining forces would be easily mopped up by the Imperial Guard. The door slid open and the Inquisitor walked in, caked in blood and viscera. He hadn’t even bothered to clean up before beginning his interrogation. For a moment, the Inquisitor did not speak. He simply pulled a steel chair up and sat in it, his enormous bulk and weight causing it to whine beneath him. His stare bore into his soul, judging what it found before uttering a single word.

“I’m not exactly versed in outing heresy from within our own troops, that expertise lies in the realm of my sister Inquisitors and from what I understand, their methods are less than kind. However, we often find ourselves in situations we are not fully equipped to handle. Much like, I believe, was the case for you a few hours ago.”

The Marine bowed his head in shame. Despite all the time he had spent alone he hadn’t been able to explain his action, or lack thereof, to himself.

“Typical protocol dictates that I have you executed on the spot for treason. But I have a feeling something else is going on with you. Something you are unable to explain to me or yourself. As such, I have found it to be in the best interest of all parties involved that you be removed from the Deathwatch effective immediately.”

The Marine’s face showed no emotion. The shock of the Inquisitors words were too much for his mind to handle. He had been bred from birth to do nothing but slay the Emperor’s enemies. His entire life had been driven towards a single goal and that was all being stripped away from him. Execution was something we could handle, he had failed and that was appropriate punishment. But being removed from Deathwatch? What else was there?

The Inquisitor’s pale eyes softened as the Marine began to panic.

“Be calmed, Marine. I’m not sentencing you to menial existence. I spoke with one of my fellow Inquisitors on the ride from the planet’s surface. You’ll be evaluated psychologically. From there the next course of action will be determined. More than likely you will be placed into another part of the Emperor’s military where you will be most useful. It is rare for a Marine to expand his consciousness beyond doing what he is ordered. Your unique situation will invariably prove useful to the Imperium in other ways.”

The marine did not move, staring blankly at the grey haired Inquisitor before him.

“I realize this is a bit of a shock, take a moment to gather your thoughts. I have other matters to attend to but I will return to you shortly to answer any question you may have. If the information I have received is accurate, the Inquisitor who will be taking you for evaluation will be here within the next few days, it was fortunate that she was in the local solar system.”

The marine’s mind reeled once again.


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