Jun 10, 2005 15:54
Today I went to UAB for an appointment with a academic advisor in the education department. I am thinking about going back to school to become a teacher and this was my first step in that process. It was a surprisingly informative meeting and I learned all the classes I'm gonna need to take to get into the program. It really isn't that bad considering.
I really want to teach biology and psychology. The problem with that though, is that bio is a science program and psych is the social studies program. So I'd kinda have to do the equivalent of double majoring to have the qualifications that I want. Its annoying, but just another bump in the road that has to be delt with.
Anyway, now I need to go to the admissions office so I can start classes in the fall. Somewhere along the way I'll have to figure out what I'll take and which way I'll go, to begin with at least. Science/bio is my bigger interest, but social studies/psych has the easier and quicker pre-reqs. Currently I'm thinking I'll do a mix and go for both. May take a little longer, but I think I'll be the most satisfied that way. It'll also let me have a mixture of classes instead of 4 bio classes at once or something like that.
On different note, I am working on a super 80's music playlist for my iPod!! It is coming along quite nicely, however I am missing some important artists. I'm kinda ashamed to not have these too. They are Blondie, Pat Benatar and Cyndi Lauper. I acually have a Blondie album, and I used to have a cd that was like the best of blondie and pat benatar, but I think holly took it with her and has since lost/misplaced it. I don't remember really. Anyway, I'll have to swing by a music store this weekend and see what I can find.