I hate being an Aquarian sometimes...

May 11, 2006 13:26

All I do is dream. These aren't your normal dreams that you have at night where aliens are on the planet's surface eating your grandparents in front of you. Instead, these are the dreams as in visions, goals. So like every two years I do something really stupid and I fall really hard for a girl, in the most perfect way. I generally don't make this fact public, because the girls that I do not fall for get envious of these other girls. (A random note, guys can't control who they fall in love with. Generally, it tends to be one of the worst possible matches in many ways.) Yet, everytime like a moth to a flame, I know that such a dreamer's love does not exist. It is only a bright neon light... wait don't touch *zap*. Dammit. People generally ask why I am a pessimist, no I am never the down thinker. I dream larger, better things than may people could ever imagine. I just restrain acting on these dreams, because they are reckless... foolish... and naive. Anyway, moral of the story is. Guys don't fall in love it is a silly thing to do. Girls, it is okay to fall in love because that what you guys do, just remember that life is all about trying to keep the guy in check for the next 70 years. Oh, optimism!

O' Olympians of highest heights
who frolic in these springtime nights.
More beautiful than earthly beings,
only sadness doth thou presence brings.
Every Man of Uranus thinks of thee,
of tender love that could never be.
Calling are the thrones of high,
leave us paupers to wither and die.
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