May 28, 2007 00:27
I walked 10,000 lifetimes to find I never lived.
I searched the world for something that would last and came back empty.
What could anyone possible want from me?
Individuality is an optical illusion.
We are told we make decisions, but what if the grounds of them are the same for all.
What if the mechanism of a decision is something shared?
Why is it that a conflict is not had with one, but two?
Where does the I end and the world begin?
I don't ask of myself, but of something shared that we hold inside.
Each of us thinks to themselves 'I am'.
God calls himself 'I am that I am'.
Are we not pieces of God strewn in a bro-ken world?
Mirrors reflecting themselves.
The dance of Shiva that we become a part of.
Do you ever feel incomplete?
But you look to each other and feel a bond that transcends isolation.
What if we are all the same 'I am'?
The 'I am' that is God in each one of us.
Then what is left of you and I and we.
We speak in optical illusions to fool 'I am' in an attempt to perceive 'I am'.
We try to draw lines where they are not.
Even 'I am not' depends on 'I am' to not be.
Everything incarnate in 'I am'.
What is religion?
Is it like the individual? Broken apart to appear to itself.
What is a question, but a void desiring to be filled?
An answer seeking every void,
only a new form of the emptiness inside one.
Where do you stand? As far from the left as the right.
Direction is non-direction; thus, direction
Belief is doubt; thus, belief.
What if the questions are the only answers?
Void filling void and emptiness filling emptiness.
Holons of nothingness.
What is space, a form of things or the emptiness in which they form?
Thus you died and I reborn in everything thinking itself separate.
Do you know anything? Or do you only learn through the oppositions?
Are you something or are you a list of negations?
Break free of knowledge it holds empty form and forms emptiness.
Pour out self and free self from the form of a self.
Break the contradictions, loose the chains of oppositions.
Are we fated to be free?
Or are we free to be fate?
Why have both when you can have neither?
Are you your body or are you the conditions of existence that make everything and nothing possible?
Are you 'I am' starring with its eye through all things making them possible or do you restrict yourself to something through what you think you are not?
What are boundaries or forms aren't they as empty as emptiness?
What is the self?
Lo(o)se yourself and you will find the self, but never will you be you again.