Nov 22, 2011 12:03
I'm trying this again. Really trying. I even say that with a straight face, because if there's one thing I am truly horrible at it is following through on something. Self-motivation, I do not have. At all.
Funny, I'm trying to work my way through an online course that is entirely self-motivation based. This is like, the make or break it test of my life.
But yes. I am trying this again. With an attempt at some regularity, as I notice my last update of some kind was DECEMBER 2010. Did I even mention my wedding? I can't stand to go back and look. I even fail at Facebook status updates. Oh man.
It's a good thing there's a restore from saved draft feature, the cat just drooled/walked all over the keyboard and wreaked havoc.
I intend to not hold anything back. I feel like I need to be able to write out what's in my head, to be able to work out/through/on some things that I need to pay attention to. And that means I intend to write about my wife. I intend to write about my sex life. I intend to write about my drug of choice. Work, play, medical, social, hopes, dreams, fears, fights. That's what a blog's for, right? But there's my warning, to any members of my family. I'll label and LJ-cut, so don't read what you don't want to know about. But it's all going to be there.