Thalassino App~

Jan 15, 2011 00:08

[ Player Name ] : Chaer
[ Personal LJ ] : chaernotwasted
[ Age ] : 18
[ Timezone ] : EST
[ Other Characters ] : N/A

[ Character's Name ] : Remus Lupin
[ Character's Age ] : 17
[ Series ] : Name Harry Potter
[ Canon Point ] : In between sixth and seventh years, about three months after the Snape/Whomping Willow debacle

[ History ] :
Not too much is known canonically about Remus Lupin’s early years or his family. I’m going to give my take on him to you with as little complication as possible.

Remus Lupin was born to a couple that loved him dearly in March on the 10th. I imagine they were of middle class standing, not rolling in galleons, but able to buy new books and robes for their son as he needed them once he began school.

Unfortunately, their slightly perfect family was shattered when John Lupin, Remus’s father, crossed Fenrir Greyback. The books never say exactly what the conflict was about, but presumably it was something grave because on the next full moon when Remus was viciously attacked by Greyback and infected with Lycanthropy. His humanity was destroyed and he became a monster in the world’s eyes. Though his age at the time is also never stated I’m going to assume he was seven years old, old enough to survive the bite, but young enough to shortly have more memories as a werewolf than a human.

After that his parents tried to coddle and shield him from the world, but Remus became all too aware of the prejudice against him and his kind. He mentally grew up quickly by reading rather than attempting to play with others. He knew a kind of suffering that set him apart from other children and they could tell well enough to dislike him, even if they didn’t know why. He had thoroughly resigned himself to simply learning through books and muggle schools for his entire life, when Albus Dumbledore himself came up with a plan and an offer for Remus to attend Hogwarts. His parents had their reservations on his discovery, but no way were they going to pass up such a fantastic opportunity for their brilliant son.

At Hogwarts for the first time in his life, Remus felt accepted, not precisely like he belonged amongst the normal students, but he so obviously excelled he couldn’t help but gain a bit of self esteem. He was fueled even further by having friends for the first time in his life. James, Sirius, and Peter all wanted to spend time with him, whether they wanted an audience for their antics or for him to help them with homework, he didn’t care. They were obviously the most charming students in their class and they had chosen him as a friend. He knew it was only a matter of time before he lost them, after all.

He made monthly excuses about visiting his sick mother for his three day absences during the period of the full moon. James and Sirius were not stupid though and eventually they caught on to the fact that he was a werewolf. Remus fully expected them to be disgusted, to hate him for hiding it, to request another dorm or to get him kicked out of school altogether. Instead, they became his lifelong friends. They stood by him and worried about him during the full moons, so much that they worked their asses off to become animagi by their fifth year to ease the pain of his transformations. With them there to romp and play with he didn’t bite and claw his own body to shreds.

It wasn’t all fun and games though. Towards the end of their sixth year Sirius played a nasty prank that went way to far on Severus Snape and sent him to the Whomping Willow ( the tree guarding passage that hid Remus and his transformations from the world). Had James not arrived just in time, Remus in his full adult werewolf form would have bitten, possibly killed Snape. Remus knew Sirius meant no harm to him personally, only Severus, but the other teen didn’t think about the consequences of his actions. For the rest of the year Remus jumped every time a professor called his name in fear that it was time for him to be expelled from the school.
They had a tentative make-up on the train at the end of their school year and promised to at least try and work things out later in the summer, but for now Remus went home to his parents. He hid the close call from them and Dumbledore agreed it was good not to worry them.

[ Personality ] :
Like most characters, Remus Lupin is a fairly complicated young man. Upon first impression he’s simply a unremarkable, almost drab looking, classic bookworm. He loves knowledge and reading, apart from potions, which is the one area he doesn’t excel in. Though he’s incredibly intelligent he comes by a lot of his smarts through hard work and diligence rather than simple hereditary and cockiness (like some of his friends). In addition to being book smart a lot of people don’t expect Remus’s potential to be incredibly cunning. A long running assumption is that he was made a Marauder for his intelligence, but really there was more to it than that.
Remus has the capacity to be truly conniving and brilliant when he feels like it. He’s not the saint he is sometimes painted, he simply has a strict moral code he follows. In part, he behaves so well because the consequences for someone of his race are a lot harsher than they would be for a human witch or wizard. He has no desire to risk his position at school. He already knows his life is going to suck, so he wants to be sure he doesn’t make it worse for himself.

Fortunately, his loyalty to his friends sometimes takes precedence over his strict morals and he lets loose. Loyalty to Remus is more important than anything in his own life. His intense attachment to his friends comes from their acceptance of him despite his lycanthropy, but it also comes from the lycanthropy itself. His friends are his pack mates subconsciously. They are his to run with and protect. Friendship for Remus is a very serious thing. Because it is so serious, he finds it very hard to make friends. He has no problem being friendly acquaintances with anyone, but chances are he won’t trust someone until he knows they don’t care about him being a werewolf. Not just hearing them profess their indifference to his condition, but he observes their actions once they know to be sure. He is a firm believer that actions speak louder than words.

The majority of the time Remus is a calm and sensible person with an even temper. However, around the full moon as his skin begins to grey and he begins to crave rarer meats he does experience a slight change in personality. He can feel the moon pull at his nature as it gets fuller and he attempts to hole up in his own mind. At this time of the month he’s far more like to lose his temper and snap rather than lightly scold in response to his friends antics and teasing. He feels sick and his perception can become garbled or distorted at times, enough that under possible conflict he may even snarl or growl as a challenge. It’s an instinctive response that he often doesn’t even realize he’s released. Therefore, he attempts to distance himself on the days of the full moon during school.

A few days of the month aside, Remus is at his core, an upstanding, kind and loyal young man. He just has a darker side than most people that needs to be controlled.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

Remus is a student wizard, granted he’s an extremely intelligent student wizard almost into his last year of schooling, but he’s still a student. He knows spells for probably just about anything you can think of thanks to his time as a Maruader, but he is more often than not only going to use the practical and useful spells he knows to make life easier. Very rarely will he use a spell to harm or prank, and certainly he won’t cause any serious damage on purpose.

Nearing the full moon, Remus’s senses heighten and his muscular strength increases even as the pull on his dual nature makes him ill. His increased sense of smell is often at the root of his nausea. Color may dull in his eyes, but detail and the thrum of life in the world becomes far clearer to him. Headaches often happen as he hears more and more from further away.

On an everyday basis his senses are still greater than a normal humans by a slight percentage but having become a werewolf at such a young age Remus doesn’t think much of it until he starts smelling or hearing things before anyone else.

[ Other Important Facts ] :

This might go in the S/W section but…this was blank so I’ll stick it here. Remus is a Dark Creature, and as such he has strong defenses against other dark spells and what not, especially on/near the full moon. However, he also becomes more susceptible to temptations from his darker side at the same times. While the older Remus Lupin in the books has an impenetrable will for Good in the books, and Remus of any age will fight to the death for his friends I think that other aspects of his good character were greatly at risk while he is still growing and coming into himself.

[ Sample ] :

Journal sample:

{Remus lowered himself to the ground carefully and leaned with his back against the tree. His
head rested on the trunk and he closed his eyes peacefully. He murmured quietly to himself.}

It is a nice thing that I am older…now they only peek through the curtains at me every little bit and I can actually get some peace and sleep….

{After a few moments, his breathing began to even out and he finally got a simple nap after the trials of the moon and the past few days.}

Prose sample:

Remus dozed in the shade of his favorite tree. The past few days had been his worst transformation in almost a year’s time because his friends hadn’t been there to release him and let him roam….Instead, he was sporting a brand new set of bite marks on his arms and legs and gouges in his chest. The pain kept him from sleeping deeply, and he could feel the book he had been attempting to read slipping out of his hand against his leg. However, he couldn’t summon the energy to raise his head and right it.

Suddenly, an odd scent wafted against his nose. He wrinkled his face up, not wanting to be disturbed, but the ethereal unfamiliar smell got stronger, closer and he cracked his eyes open only to be met with a completely unfamiliar setting . He tried to pull himself up quickly, and reached for his wand on the ground beside him, but it was gone. Instead, he found inked on his arm 00008. He could only connect it to the number of phases that the moon has.
Carefully, he reached up behind him and discovered he was no longer against his tree, but against a stone fountain. With great care for his injuries he lifted himself up on the ledge of the fountain and used it to stand.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : Mmm already asked and answered thank you.

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