Title: Short of a Dark Lord
lenaf007 Artists:
littlewolfstar ,
niccc Pairing/Characters: James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Severus, Regulus, Lucius, Narcissa
Genre: Humor/Action/AU for non-canon student ages.
Ratings and Warnings: PG for Cursing and Violence.
Summary: The school is dressing up for the Hogwarts Halloween party, and Sirius has a great idea on how to pull a frightening prank on his classmates. With the help of James, Remus, and Peter he just might make it happen. Unfortunately, Lucius is planning on proposing to Narcissa at the dance so the Slytherins are on the lookout for potential party crashers. Will the Marauders successfully prank the whole school? Will Lucius successfully propose to Narcissa? Will Severus and Regulus ever get along?
Word Count: 22,081
Notes: Special thanks goes out to
mistress_kabuki for being the ever-faithful beta reader. Without her, this piece would never have been so polished. =)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all characters, places, objects, ideas, and related material are the property of JK Rowling and her various publishing entities. Neither the author, the artists, nor the
marauderbigbang are in any way making a monetary profit from this posting.
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