Title: Advanced Potion-Making, Chapter 5
fire_everything Beta, cheerleader and all-around facilitator:
brighty18 Artists:
lilmisblack (banner),
niccc (all other art)
Pairing: Snape/Lily
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Authorial presumption, profanity, magical dub-con, mild kink, possibly disturbing reproductive issues/procedures, angst, excessive length
Word Count: Um…shorter than Half-
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“Azkaban has no record of your ever having been incarcerated here, and if you step over this threshold now” - he looked down at it - marauderbigbang “you should find the wall offers you no resistance.
Fixed - I think. Getting the code for this fic in a condition that makes both LJ and Dreamwidth happy has been a challenge, to say the least. I’m handling all the coding stuff for the later chapter posts, but I can’t say I’m great at it yet, so please bear with me. I do appreciate your pointing it out, though - there’s so much text to proof that it’s inevitable I will miss a few things.
In HBP it's just in the Great Hall ("May I emphasise that you will not be able to Apparate outside the walls of this Hall, and that you would be unwise to try")
True, but I’m not sure Voldemort is enough of a linguist to make the distinction. Just pretend it’s a metonymy or whatever. :)
In any case I gotta wonder what Voldemort was doing just hanging around in the Shrieking Shack (and my, isn't it a lucky coincidence?).
I think he probably arrived there about ten seconds before Snape did, actually. And there are no coincidences - except when I fuck up and need to cover my ass. ;)
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