Something large and enthusiastic was shaking her. "Go 'way." She muttered and burrowed deeper under the covers. The shaking continued. Slowly her brain began to function. Large + Enthusiastic + Shaking must = Ludo. Glad to have worked that out, Hestia threw a pillow at him. "Not 10 yet." She pulled another pillow over her head, blocking out the papery thing fluttering in her face.
The words Ludo was shouting in her ear finally began to make sense. Hesita sat bolt upright and pushed her disheveled hair out of her face. "Wait, what? Quidditch captian?"
"Oh, yes, that's right, you heard right." Ludo dangled the letter in front of Hestia. "Read it and... well, don't weep, as this is happy news, but read it all the same!"
He pointed at the letter. "See? Right here. Quidditch Captain, one Ludovic Bagman." His grin widened. "That being me. Though I'd prefer if they didn't call me Ludovic. All the same, good news!"
Hestia couldn't see actually, as the letter Ludo was waving in her face was far to close to properly focus on. However, now that she was fully awake, she didn't need to read the letter understand what was going on.
"You made Quidditch Captain!" Hestia yelled as she jumped out of bed. She grabbed Ludo in a big hug. She pulled back, leaving her hands on his shoulders and grinned at him. "Well, Ludovic Bagman, this calls for a celebration." She grinned some more at Ludo's obvious dislike of his full name.
He pulled a face at the mention of his full name, but let it drop. Who cared? There were so much more interesting things going on than his dislike of "Ludovic."
He danced a little happy dance of joy, something they had perfected back in his second year, when he made the Quidditch team. "You know what happens after this? After this, I'm going to play professional!"
The dancing stopped. "But I suppose that should wait. What'd you have in mind for celebration?"
Comments 7
The words Ludo was shouting in her ear finally began to make sense. Hesita sat bolt upright and pushed her disheveled hair out of her face. "Wait, what? Quidditch captian?"
He pointed at the letter. "See? Right here. Quidditch Captain, one Ludovic Bagman." His grin widened. "That being me. Though I'd prefer if they didn't call me Ludovic. All the same, good news!"
"You made Quidditch Captain!" Hestia yelled as she jumped out of bed. She grabbed Ludo in a big hug. She pulled back, leaving her hands on his shoulders and grinned at him. "Well, Ludovic Bagman, this calls for a celebration." She grinned some more at Ludo's obvious dislike of his full name.
He danced a little happy dance of joy, something they had perfected back in his second year, when he made the Quidditch team. "You know what happens after this? After this, I'm going to play professional!"
The dancing stopped. "But I suppose that should wait. What'd you have in mind for celebration?"
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