Dear Li
Hi Evans!
Hope your holidays are off to a good start! Sirius sends his love and regards. Well... he sends his regards, anyway.
I picked up this potion the other day when I was out shopping with my mum. Thought that your sister might enjoy a bit of it in her tea.
Hope you're not still mad at me over that little incident at the end of the year with your robes disappearing while you were in the Prefect's bathroom. I swear, I had absolutely nothing to do with it! I'm absolutely positive I saw some Hufflepuff third years run by looking devilishly mischevious that very same evening. Most suspicious, if you ask me.
Try not to miss me too much, I'm sure it's hard for you. Let me know if you'd like me to come visit. Or maybe you'd prefer a surprise?
Miss you,
Accompanying the letter is a potion that causes the drinker to become a violent shade of green for a 24 hour period, with a note attached scribbled in James' handwriting, "Yum, yum! Muggles love it!"