Christmas Ficathon: Day 23

Dec 23, 2009 17:19

Title: Traditions Part 6
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Fifth Doctor, Tegan
Rating: R (adult content - explicit sex)
Word Count: 1,420
Summary: The Doctor decides to have Christmas in the TARDIS. Shenanigans ensue.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Whew! Finished at last. I hope the few of you on my flist who dig this kind of perversion enjoyed. *Will just be ignoring the scandalized looks from everyone but 4 people.*

On a sadder note, I have grossly mismanaged my time. I thought I'd be able to make a post tomorrow but everyone and their uncle wants to do the Christmas thing with me, plus I have to work, so I won't have time to write anything new. Please don't feel cheated - I am posting something extra-long today! I'll try to pop on and post a little Christmas treat though. Anyway, thank you all for indulging me - your comments have made me feel warm & fuzzy inside &hearts&hearts

“Ah, Tegan. What exactly are you doing?”

The Doctor’s eyes couldn’t possibly get any wider, Tegan thought with amusement as she finished securing the Doctor’s hands to the rails of the bed’s headboard with his suspenders.

“Nothing,” she said lightly, checking her work. It was difficult to pull off a casual tone, the way she was straddling his bare chest, but she tried her best under the circumstances. She gave his hands an experimental tug; the fastening was loose enough, she hoped, not to concern the Doctor. She slid down the length of his body, coming to rest in his lap. “Are you all right with this, Doc?”

He looked at her, still wide-eyed. “I suppose I don’t have much choice in the matter.”

She bit her lip with a grin, and set to work on the fastenings of his trousers. The Doctor sighed, resigned, though she could feel the anticipation coursing through him. She was adept enough at reading his body language now to know when she was doing something right in that respect. He raised his hips obligingly to allow her to slide his trousers and pants off in one movement.

Tegan sat back on her legs, tilting her head to admire the picture the Doctor made. There was something terribly appealing about having him spread out for her; though it was his present, this part she had planned for the benefit of them both, and she was going to soak up all the enjoyment she could. The Doctor raised his head to look at her; he seemed less hesitant now and more curious about her intent. With a lick to her lips, Tegan bent over him and pressed a kiss to his hipbone. He made a sound somewhere between a grunt and a moan, realization dawning on him slowly. She could hear the sounds of the headboard straining as he pulled against his bindings.

“Tegan, that’s not necess… You really shouldn’t…” His protests died off with a sharp cry as her fingers found his half-formed erection and began to brush feather light touches across the swelling shaft. She stilled, pausing momentarily to look back to the Doctor. He was gazing at her with a look of wonder. He swallowed and said nothing, and Tegan took it as a sign to continue. With renewed confidence, she began to stroke him with a steady rhythm, hands tracing along his length with the skill of an artist, memorizing every nuance of him. He was delightfully cold, warmer where she stroked him than the rest of his body, but even so it was a tepid temperature, retaining the coolness she loved so much.

Slowly, she encased the tip of him between her lips and darted her tongue out to flick once. She could feel the Doctor stop himself from bucking off the bed; it was endearing, really, that he was demonstrating so much restraint for her, but she was in no mood to tease - tonight was all about the Doctor. Obligingly, she parted her lips and lowered her mouth around him until she had encased as much of his length as she could take in. She drew back slowly, letting her lips and tongue stroke across him until just the tip of him rested in her mouth. With an audible pop, she released him and began to press kisses slowly down his erection, pausing occasionally to lick him languidly.

She glanced up then, looking along the golden length of the Doctor’s body. His head was thrown back, eyes shut tight and he was breathing heavily. His eyes flew open, wide and wild. He seemed to be capable only of gaping at her. She slid up the length of his body, straddling his chest once more. She leaned until she was tantalizingly close to his face.

“Tell me what you want.”

He was capable only of breathing heavily at first; his hands strained against his bindings.

“To touch…to touch you. Tegan, please.”

She pretended to consider the option for a moment, but moved to comply when the Doctor’s gaze darkened and he pulled against the bindings with real effort for the first time. She made short work of them, and was surprised to find just how quickly the Doctor’s hands were on her. One hand was on the back of her head pulling her into a kiss while the other fumbled blindly at the fastening of her bra. He had become rather adept at undoing them in recent months, and he made quick work of it, fumbling the red lace off her shoulders, hands coming to cup her breasts as he worked hungrily at her mouth.

She pressed her lace-clad pelvis against his still-firm erection and the Doctor broke away from her mouth with a delightful groan.

“Tegan, don’t-”


With a grunt, he gripped her by the hips and rolled her over on the bed until she was spread out beneath him, smiling coyly at the sudden shift of power between them. He began fumbling at the fastenings on her garter belt, snapping them off one by one without a care for whether or not he broke them. She bit her lip, smiling slowly as the Doctor began to roll her stockings down her legs. As he pulled the second one off, he pressed a kiss to her calf, trailing his mouth up the smooth line of her leg until he reached the apex of her thighs. With a moan of encouragement, the Doctor pulled off her garter belt, fingering the edging of her knickers momentarily before rolling them off and discarding them on the floor.

He came to rest above her, pressing rough, eager kisses to her mouth. She accepted willingly, delighted when his tongue plunged into her mouth and began to explore. It was unlike the Doctor to be so forward in their lovemaking, but she relished it when he did. She spread her legs eagerly as she felt his hand begin to stroke her thigh, brushing lightly over her center. He pulled away from her mouth with a hum of surprise.

“You’re wet, Tegan.”

She reached up to capture his mouth again. “I like giving you pleasure.” He arched an eyebrow, considering the idea, but smiled anyway. He moved his hand to cup her arse, adjusting her hips to a familiar angle. She sighed in anticipation, one foot tracing along the back of his calf, tightening as she felt him press against her opening and enter her with a quick, sure thrust.

“Doc,” she cried out against his neck, arms coming to wrap around his shoulders. Her fingers dug in lightly and he grunted once. He found his rhythm before long, not pausing to take his time. He was eager tonight, beginning to thrust urgently into her before she had a chance to catch her breath. She arched her head back, letting out a loud moan, and the Doctor increased his pace. His breath was cool in her ear and he moaned her name. Her hands flew to grip his hips, trying to keep up with his insistent thrusts. The sounds in the room began to withdraw as the pressure building between her legs became the only sense she could focus on; distantly she heard herself begging him not to stop, to keep going. He complied.

All the breath was forced from her lungs as she felt an orgasm tear through her, bursting out of her center and spreading throughout her body, gripping every nerve ending. The Doctor was breathing heavily into her shoulder, calling her name over and over but she couldn’t hear anything now, and cared little for anything but the pleasure coursing through her. She dug her fingers into the Doctor’s hips as he thrust a final time, hard and deep, and she felt him release.

They lay still for a moment before the Doctor rolled her onto her side, withdrawing from her and pulling her against his chest. She listened to the rhythmic beating of his twin hearts, feeling the cool sheen of sweat that covered him. He chuckled lowly, and it vibrated against her skin, causing chills to fall down her back. When she had regained enough breath, she pressed a kiss against the Doctor’s collar bone, and breathed, “Happy Christmas, Doc.”

The Doctor sighed, content, and began to stroke her hair lightly. She curved her body into his, feeling sleep overtaking her at last. The last thing she heard was the Doctor breathing into her hair with a chuckle, “Happy Christmas, Tegan.”

fanfic, christmas ficathon, doctor who, i'm going to hell, yay smut!

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