Title: Frankly Magnificent
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Various companions
Rating: G
Word Count: 243
Summary: A companion’s perspective on life with the Doctor in general. Started out as a Tegan fic, but this could really be about any number of them. Also, I apologize as I am completely incapable of writing anything without referencing Lewis Carroll. I blame
It’s the most beautiful sound in the world. Of course, you probably wouldn’t think so the first time you hear it. It sounds a bit rubbish, really, like someone’s scraping cutlery across the strings of an electric guitar.
The first time he throws open those doors for you, it’s like stepping through the looking glass and tumbling head-first into Wonderland. You have to force yourself to forget all the rules you used to live by or you’ll go mad. He turns everything upside down and doesn’t look back to make sure you’re keeping up.
There must be entire planets out there terrified of the sound of his machine. As much as it promises marvels and adventure, it comes with a price. Wherever the Doctor goes, death follows in his wake, a scavenger waiting in the shadows to prey on the slow and unwitting. It doesn’t take much time to wonder how long you’ll be able to handle it. And not much longer to wonder how he’s managed to live with it all this time.
But most of the time, it’s worth it all, and it’s glorious. Until one day you don’t hear it anymore. Everyone leaves eventually, that’s what he says. Whether it’s your choice, or his, or no one’s at all, one day he’s gone as quickly as he appeared, off to change someone else’s life.
It’s the most beautiful sound in the world, until you hear it for the last time.