Oct 17, 2008 07:50
Here goes...let me know what you think
I know this all happened in a city. I got the feeling that I was visiting with my family or something along those lines. Well someone forgot/lost something and me and one of my siblings went looking for it. We were looking for a while and we just not finding it. We came across this group that for some reason we followed(one thought is that we thought they had our item, not sure). They got to a shelter or church. Either way their was not religious parafenial to cue that it was a church. I was never in a church area in the dream. Anyways, it was when they arrived their destination that they saw us. We asked them about what we were looking for. I don't remember if they had it or not. Either way for some reason we decided to stay and hang out, they were nice and it seemed like fun. Now when it was time for us to leave we got the hint that their was more going on here than meets the eye. I guess the leader of the group was able to tell that we were suspecting something and did not allow us to leave. So we were stuck there, trapped in a manner of speaking. Some time went by and things were no longer fun. As I was walking into the bathroom, public style with the stalls but it was not a public restroom, a child that was part of this group said to me "I'm sorry you lost your ________" (fill in the blank with whatever we were looking for obviously) I replied "Me too" and walked into the bathroom. The stall that I walked into had hanging up on the hook a green belt I own, that I had left there.
That's when I woke up. Now usually when I dream of being trapped generally start by being trapped or just before. I don't usually start so far before being trapped. Usually I'm trying to escape, run away, something. In this one I wasn't.