Gallifrey Stands

Nov 24, 2013 06:30

One day, perhaps, I'll discuss The Day of the Doctor on this here lj. Tonight, though, I was too busy being moved. All those years, all those memories - mine, and the whole world's.

Happy Fifthieth, Doctor Who. May you have (at least) another fifty years as grand as the one that is now behind us.

Doctor Who changed my view on TV, on scifi, my socks and my life, pretty much. In all my days, I never could have thought I'd be this affected and this mesmerized by a TV show.

Still, I am. And I'm grateful to all of the people that have contributed and still contribute to this day to this amazing ride. Funny, all you can do with some aliens, a madman, and a box.

Tonight, Gallifrey stands. Thank you.

And yes, hearing the 1963 theme in lieu of the current one was enough to have me tearing up. I'm guilty, I'm weak, and I haven't watched some Classic Who in way too long.

whovianism, that one instance i use 'feels' as a tag, personal bias, happy anniversary

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