Day 6 of 7-day challenge

Oct 13, 2010 00:14

2 things you want

Right now? Right now right now?

1. LG Lollipop phone
2. Elfdoll Hana Angel from Teseya at DoA

I want so many things, omg, but I was just lusting over these two. As in just.

You prolly don't have access to the link for number 2 but she's currently going for $340+shipping in USD. I'm too poor for that! & No Petite Raphaels at the mo' cause she's not listed and not found at the marketplace. :(

As for number 1, I just want a keitai lookalike & lollipop's the best fit. & I've been wanting a flip phone for-like-ever. & no idgaf if it sucks.

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challenge, via ljapp

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