We get out at noon tomorrow (if I can manage to actually get my ass out of here) and then I have off until January 3. Yay!
I'm really excited about the projects I've been working on. Ok, so I have been working late a lot. But I like it when I get to do something semi-creative, and then say, "I made that!"
So maybe I should be a professional potter instead of doing what I do. There's more money in websites, though, even in the non-profit biz.
Y'all don't get to see the fruits of my labor until January, but I hope the projects elicit oohs and aahs, or a few rounds of "Hell, yeah!" then.
I've been trying to wear a little more make up lately to cover the dark circles under my eyes. The insidious thing about concealer is that it covers the dark circles, but somehow makes the wrinkles more obvious, so then you find yourself thinking, "Maybe I really do need that magic wrinkle-reducing cream with poly-vitamin pro-omega-complex I read about..." Insidious!