Sep 05, 2010 23:05
Alright, I give in to the pull of LJ once more.
I am back at Yale, but shopping period is still in its infancy. My classes are NOT falling into place very easily. I'm definitely taking Intro German and Witchcraft in Colonial America, but I need two more classes. There's a biology seminar that is just basically one long research paper on a topic of our choice, which sounds good. I will shop it Tuesday and see if it has been truthfully represented in the course description. The real problem is that I wanted this WGSS seminar called Men, Manhood, and Masculinity, but I got wait-listed because of my major, and I don't hear back about it until tomorrow evening. Boo! If I just get that, everything else will be ok, but that's a big if.
In other news, I got hired at the library circulation desk! I've already had one training session with more to come this week. I'm really excited to have an income again. I hate feeling burdensome to my parents, especially after my expensive summer abroad. I've been currently living off of the money sent to me because I sent back the Nielsen TV report, and that's a well that's going to dry up real fast.
Emotionally, things have been a little shaky, I guess. I am still trying to cope with life at Yale without Otto, which is pretty strange. I keep accidentally walking towards his old entryway instead of towards mine, which is right next door. I have recently received confirmation that I am capable of snagging another guy, and while that confirmation was nice, I honestly don't feel like it right now. All the guys here just seem so inferior to what I'm used to :/
I guess, however, that right now, that is the extent of my problems, so things are generally going pretty well. I need to do so many things this year though. I need to keep up my French with reading, I need to write and join extra-curriculars, I need to think about my senior thesis, and I need to start looking into grad schools/getting a paper published somewhere/finding advisors and letters-of-rec writers. If I don't have a boy, I might as well do my academics right.
Speaking of which, I'm going to go do my German homework. Peace.