Mar 14, 2005 13:41
Guess what! I found my naked chick ring. I am soo fuckin happy. I can't even tell you how sad I was when I lost it. I don't know what I would do without it. It's my fave. so yeah, that's my excitement. Hmmm... I need a nap. Naps are the best. Bridget, remember group naps? I fuckin need one of those. Group nap at Mara's house! Dude, that would fuckin rock.
Newspaper is doing ok. We're the only section that has anything layed out or anything on the pages for that matter. I have one story layed out and will have a few more within the next few days.
I dont have much to say lately. I dont know what my sitch is. i'm just drawing blanks. I need to sleep more.
Im gonna go now. hopefully soon I will have more inspiration for writing.
peace out