Light At The End

Jul 29, 2009 15:18

Title: Light At The End
Characters: Michael/Sara
Rating: PG
Words: 1,110
Summary: As Sucre led her with giddy confidence, Michael's eyes were only on her.

AN: Forlizparker6, who was after more of Michael and Sara's wedding day. It was a great idea, Lizzie, thanks for suggesting it and I hope you like what I came up with!

 Light At The End

Michael watched her as she moved with ease, feet barely dislodging sand as she spun and floated, the sun in her hair. Her attempt - granted, a feeble one - at refusing to dance was, as he expected, unnecessary. She was carefree and calm and as Sucre led her with giddy confidence, Michael's eyes were only on her.

*    *    *

Michael saw Sucre glance at him over Sara’s shoulder, the smile at Sara and gently dropping her hand before waving him over. Michael wanted to dance with Sara, and he knew Sucre knew that. Yet he was somewhat embarrassed, and he knew Sucre knew that as well. Michael could not deny that dancing was something he had no knowledge of or skill in. However, it was his wedding day - the fact somehow astounded him - and there was no way he wasn’t going to dance at his own wedding.

"Papi," Sucre said with what Michael hoped was only faux infuriation, when Michael didn't instantly stand, tilting his head as if to also express disappointment. Then, as he leant closer to Michael, "you gotta dance with your girl."

Michael smiled. "My wife, thank you very much," he teased cockily as he stood and moved the short distance across the sand towards Sara, shooting her a smug grin.

He gently and easily took her in his arms, an arm around her back and her right hand in his left. He slowly pulled her close.

"Please forgive me for what can barely be referred to as dancing," he spoke to her, his breath a lovely flutter on her face.

She laughed. "You're forgiven," she said, returning his gaze with cheeky eyes that revealed the teasing in her words. His heart felt light however, when he saw the steadiness in her eyes that spoke of nothing but sincerity.

After a few seconds of Sucre yelling encouragement, Michael gave final words, "Here goes..."

With sudden enthusiasm, Michael tried to replicate Sucre's movements, jauntily shuffling back and forward in the sand. His attempt earned laughter from Sucre, while Linc resorted to disappearing for another beer. But Sara, she didn't mind in the slightest, her head tipped back as girlish giggles erupted in her, but only for a moment, for quickly she tipped her face forwards again so that her eyes could meet the happy blue ones before her.

*    *    *

When the sun began to set and the dancing had drawn to a close, Lincoln mumbled something about leaving the newlyweds alone. Michael embraced Lincoln, while Sucre pulled Sara in for a quick hug. The pairs then switched so both bride and groom had embraced their honoured guests. Sucre and Lincoln gave final congratulations as they ambled off, Linc's swagger suggesting that he'd perhaps had one too many beers.

Michael took a few steps towards Sara and pulled her towards him in a gentle hug.

"They both got one of these, but I didn't," he explained.

She laughed. "You can have as many of these as you like," she said.

"I'll hold you to that," he said as his fingers trailed over the silky orange fabric resting on her skin. His fingers danced up to her shoulders where he found a subtle smattering of goosebumps. Instantly he released her, grabbing his suit jacket off the back of his chair and draping it around her.

"What, you don't like my dress?" she teased as he let the jacket fall over her shoulders.

"I love your dress," he said.

She smiled. "Thank you," she said, warmed by his presence and words just as much as, if not more than, the weight of the jacket's fabric. She found the sleeves and slid her arms in, her hands mostly hidden as the sleeves were much too long for her.

"And," he began, trailing a hand through her hair and meeting her eyes, "I love you."

The sheer significance and emotion of the day seemed to catch up to her then as she unexpectedly felt tears in her eyes. "I love you too," she said, kissing him gently and then wrapping her arms around him, her forehead resting lightly against his.

"Can we talk a walk on the beach, before we go?" Sara asked after a moment, lifting her forehead from his.

"Of course," Michael said.

She caught his hand in hers and led them down to the sand. The sky glowed orange as the sun hovered just above the horizon. The two walked slowly in comfortable, perfect silence, until Sara slowed to a stop, turning to face Michael and the ocean behind him. It was quite obvious to him that this was the exact spot where they had stood just hours ago and made the sacred commitment he somehow always knew they would. He smiled at her and she blushed slightly, leaning forward and snuggling into his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around her back. Intrinsic protection.

"I just want to make sure I remember this spot," she said as if it were a confession.

"We don't have to leave, if you don't want to," he replied with a hint of concern.

Sara lifted her head from his chest and looked up at his gentle face, noticing the slight furrow of his brow. She knew - despite his somewhat vague words - that he was speaking of Miami, not this spot of the beach. Clarity and specification had always been of little necessity for them, for they always understood each other completely.

"Chicago is home," she said simply, a statement of fact. "But, it would be nice to come back here someday.” She looked down, almost embarrassed.

He gently placed a hand against the side of her face and tilted it up to face his. "We can come back here as often as you want."

She smiled and he kissed her. She pulled away after a moment and moved around him towards the water, a cheeky expression on her face as she flitted past him.

"Hey...!" he called after her, turning around to see that she had taken a few steps into the surf. She held her dress up so it didn’t touch the water, the hem brushing against her knees. She smiled at him and he walked as close to the water’s edge as possible before his feet got wet.

He watched her in awe as she stood in the shallow water, drowning in his giant jacket and her dress still held up lightly but securely by her soft hands. The childlike joy in her face made his heart skip a beat and he vowed to himself, right there and then, to make sure that joy stayed with her forever.

michael scofield, michael/sara, prison break, sara tancredi, fanfiction

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