Most Everyone's Mad here

Jun 27, 2011 18:09

So. Here is the first of two gigantic uploads so I don't spam everyone's flist. They're both 100+ pictures. xD In my game, all the kids are at least, well, kids, and I don't want to get much farther ahead. So anyway...

This is my favorite interaction in the whole game. Also, I forgot to inform you all that Jasmine is a Sagittarius  (1/1/8/7/10).

That face! ASTLKJFLEWKAR, I just can't.

Jasmine: Nobody's paying attention to meeeeeeeee. *frown frown frown*
Yes, Jasmine, you're so very neglected.

Ella via Mr. VonStuffington: Always get your eyes checked! Glasses are hip and cool!

E. via Mr. VS: So is recycling!

E. via Mr. VS: But be sure to avoid those pesky dips in the stock market! Actually, avoid the stock market all together.

No attention my patootie.



Oh, okay. =)


I know I complain about babies a lot, but I love them, really.

This is Faline! She's named after Bambi's little girlfriend. I'd originally named her Fern because I thought that was her name and I fail. I'm pretty sure Fern was a character in Arthur, though.

It's a triple birthday! It's glorious! 

Makeovers for everyone! Except Mangus because he looked fine.

Aww, and now Mitch has someone to greet him when he comes home from school. =) (Also, have you noticed the odd obsession with Ms in this challenge? John Mole, Mangus Somethingorother, Mitch Indie?)

Faline was just a day shy of growing up with everyone else.

YAY! The Meg nose makes a comeback! (Another fun fact: Every firstborn child has been a had a lot of the father's features, and every second child has had a lot of the mother's features).

Anyway, Faline is a Capricorn (10/2/27/7). Incredibly neat, shy, lazy, playful and nice. I don't even.

Ella: Well. Everyone else is asleep. There's a sleeping toddler nearby. You know what that means...

Um. Yeah.

Faline: They thought I was asleep, was horrible. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Jasmine: Blocks blocks blocks. Build, build, build. Doobe, doobe, doo.

Everyone deals with trauma their own way. xD

Emmy: Now Faline...say "Emmy, the Supreme High Mistress of the House, otherwise known as Grandma."

Faline: No.

Emmy: *emo* Please?

Faline: ...Emmy the Supreme High Mistress of the House, otherwise known as Grandma.


Faline: ...I can talk?

Faline: No, no, no...I can't! It's too soon! I I can have...conversations?


Faline: This is just...the best day.

Faline: Wait, what should I say?


Meanwhile, across the street.

Mopper! (also known as maenad36  and Copper!). Since I feel weird speaking for Mae...have some spam. =D

Yay! This was all very spur the moment, so this is the closest thing I had to a neon colored wedding dress...but I like it, so :P

Also, lol, Ella, nice...default maternity dress, I guess?

Also, during the whole ceremony Heather and Mangus chilled in the kitchen.

Aww. =)

At least Heather cleaned up after herself.

So we had a few simselves, all of the Veecheses I could fit in and a few walkbys.

It was all too much for Emmy and she peaced out. (Actually, it was probably that awful dress I didn't realize she was wearing.)

~~*~*~Later that night ~*~****~*~*~

Me? Cheat? What ever are you talking about?


Wen! Wen is named for a character from Lemonade Mouth, a very fun Disney tv movie, is a Sagittarius and his stats are 7/4/6/10/2. I have no idea where those two nice points came from, but so far he hasn't been mean.

And Charlie is named for a character from the same movie. He is a Libra and his stats are 10/3/2/10/2. idea.



Anyway, back at the house...

Jasmine: Die, newbs!

Jasmine: I R TEH WINNAR!

Jasmine: Mission accomplished.

Jasmine: Aww...homewooork...epic fail.


Nice try. Mangus took her to school.

So Priya Ramaswami came home with Mangus after work...

And after hanging out for a hundred and thirty-seven years, fell asleep on the kitchen table.

Faline: I sense a disturbance in the if silence was suddenly broken by the Wagnerian screeching of a new baby...meh. Zzz.

Priya: Zzz-snort. Wha? Where'm I?

Mitch: I think you've had enough.

She still hung out all day, though.

Emmy: What is this? I just want to mack on my husband! Go away, lady!

Ella: Priya!

Ella: What are you still doing here? It's not snowing out?

Ella: It's not even raining!

Jasmine! You're an overachiever!

Jasmine: Yes. And now I reward myself with flying ships.

Synchronized studying. :D

Faline is so cute! 
Also, ugh, Ella. I'm going to blame pregnancy hormones.

Jasmine is super excited to have a playmate. xD

The next day we went to the petshop! This is Beast! (The cat)

Faline:  Um. Are you sure about this? You can barely keep us alive. You don't show everyone how often one of us nearly starves to death, or has flies buzzing around us, or nearly pees on the floor.

It'll be FINE! :D :D :D

Beast kicks it in the front seat.
Because he's a beast.

He seems to fit in well, though. =)

I let Emmy quit her job, because she kept waking up at four in he morning, but not getting off work until late and nearly passing out. Plus, having four adults at the top of their careers has left the family with enough money that none of them ever have to work again.

This just in: Emmy and Mangus are still presh.

Emmy *finally* got into dance, and here she is headed off to work as a ballroom dancer.

I don't know why I took this picture, other than it's Jasmine and she's awesome.

Beast guards the kitchen.

No snack will go eaten without his knowledge.

Eh, that's long enough. xD

And that's it for Massive Update Number One! Stay tuned for MU2!

veeches owbc, sim!crystal, sim!jules, simselves, sim!rissa, sim!mae, generation 3

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