I Know You

Feb 13, 2011 00:16

Datespam ahoy!

AURA! How have you been?
Aura: Well, considering you haven't played me in months, I'm exactly as I was last time. Thanks.

Where's she going?
Mangus: She...um...bathroom?



*grumbles* Fine. I have things to do, too.

Arthur: Hey, don't I know you from the bus?
Rebecka Adams: Um. No. Bus? I don't ride them. Must have been my evil twin or so--HEY! Look at the time. Must dash!

Oh look! It's Gem! Talk to her, Arthur, she's nice.

Arthur: Oooh, Chili.

There were no girls at Spark! so I sent Arthur to the park. And oh look it's Heather! ARTHUR COME HERE! Heather, you don't mind giving Arthur his first date, do you?

Heather: Bite me.

GEM! You followed us! Make her do it!

Gem: That's right funny.

Heather: You. You know Lennon Dekker. Take me to him. Now.

Arthur: Um. Hi.
Heather: OMG YOU HAVE LENNON'S HAIR! *paper cut-out boost*

Heather: So have you read my legacy? It's more awesome than yours.
Arthur: *omg someone's talking to me inner squee and aspiration boost*

Heather: Don't give me any of that sunshine and happiness crap. Just because I talk to you doesn't mean I want to be your friend. All it means is Lennon is not around.

Yeeeah...I see now that this was not the best plan. Let's go do something else.

What is it with all these brunette girls? ARTHUR'S TURN OFF IS BROWN HAIR, GAME, KTHNX.

Anyway, this is Violet Jocque. She's incredibly nice, but Arthur has no chemistry with her.

Unfortunately, Violet doesn't seem to feel the same.

Arthur: How did the pirate stop smoking? He used a patch!

Violet: OMG FUNNY!
Arthur: *walks away*

Arthur: HEY THERE, PRETTY LADY! So, how much does a polar bear weigh?

Arthur: Ain't she puuuurdy?

Willow and Arthur: *date*

Waitress: Ohhiyougyshowareyouwhatcanigetforyoudoyouwantthespecialporkchopsandpotatoesit'sveryyummyokayi'llgoputthatinforyounow.

Waitress: Please tip, please tip. Mama needs some highlights and a new pair of stilettos. 


Arthur: She eats like an angel.

And they ~~~bond.

Willow: Don't get so handsy, Andy.
Arthur: It's, um. Arthur.
Willow: Yeah, whatever, hands.

She loves him, really.

Arthur: Goodbye, Violet. Your services are no longer required.

So I suck at taking pictures of things that actually matter. Moving on.


Glad someone's happy.

This is Alice. She has black hair and blue eyes. Woo.

veeches owbc, alice in wonderland, gem is amazing, sim!heather, generation 2, simselves, sim!gem, picspam, owbc

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