Clayfield - Round 4 - Bigfoot

May 22, 2011 13:10


Last time we saw how Hilary got a job at Honeybear's electronics shop. She bought a robot table to improve her skills back at home.

Harry decided to expand his business so he bought Fish For Me (made by awesome selenaq13 ).

Next he hired Aden Mason to work as a cashier.

Back at home Hilary crafted a centrybot (?), who seems to think whether or not to attack while Tyson came to steal their gnome.

/end of first Emmaline Spam.

The Bigfoot family has already money saved, but since there was no need for the old business lot, they sold it.

First time I've seen that these robots can actually think! :o

Yey! Emmaline grows up.

As you see, she kept her original surname just to keep variety in the hood.

Visiting Honeybear's store

Woot woot

Going to steal back the gnome... Darn these sims and their gnome addiction!

Emma started to practise business skills at Harry's store.

She also met some friends at the local playground.

I thought this is hilarious. And I know exactly how she feels too xD

Harry continued to satisfy his curiousity towards the outer space...

And I hears rhymes.

Yes, I cheated. Because I wanted to!

Who knew tired bigfoots are so aggressive?

Welcome to the Bookbarn! Emmaline's very own little bookstore.
Exterior heavily inspired by selenaq13

She hired the lady from the Orphanage to take care of the business until she grows up.

Makeover time.

And Mara-time.

On the last evening Toby happened to walk by so Emma rushed to meet him.

And one of this young lady's dreams came true.

But when ARC kicked in more and she tried to squeese him, he refuced.

Poor Emma.

Maby some caressing will fix it all?

Fail again.

And again.

And again.

Try calming down and let Toby do something when he's good and ready?

What's with these knowledge sims and their obsession towards abductions?!

Donno. But I do know that we'll have to wait until round 5 to find it out.

 I just have to say, that Emma's little bookstore is propably my favourite business ever. ♥

bigfoot, ts2, bacc, clayfield, round 4

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