Clayfield - Round 5 - Gallagher-Nova

Oct 28, 2011 01:11

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You might want to refresh your memory?

Elfreda is doing well at school. She'll soon grow up and face the challenges of teen years.

Savio is also about to became a teen.

Hamilton, on the other hand, will soon say goodbye to zits and cracking voice.

Last round Bennett bought a bigger Pet Store and now decided to pass it on to his oldest son.

Happy 12th Birthday, Savio!

I fixed his skin so he looks slightly different than before.

Mr Bean, cought in the act.

Since Angeline was layed off from Rocky Troii's clothing store, she has more than enough time to hang around the house.
Seriously. I have to find her a new job.

Then Hamilton became 18 and moved to an apartment of his own. He also took Bean with him.

She literally just jumps in the puddles and plays the piano until it brokes. Nothing else.

Mervin Troii and Galen Mifsud came to visit Elfy.

Then they decided to adopt another cat. Her name is Tix.

She destroyed the armchair. Nice.

And later, Angeline bough Tix a mate called Herman.

Bring your simoleons to the family business, yeah.

Kittens on the way!

Oh, and here's Savio's new hairdo. The old one was glitchy.

Rough play leads to unhappy results.

Smart investing indeed... they are RICH now!

Aand Elfreda became 12. Perhaps little mature for her age, though.

Sleeping in cream cake is fun.

Elfy got a makeover and literally gagged when she saw the results.
Little dramatic, I'd say.

Elfy's piled homework. She'll be in trouble soon, if that pile gets any higher!

Family activity. They really needed money and got nice amount from veggies.

New sofa and armchair. I love these things.

And no, this S2 Pets Spam did not appear because I felt bad for playing with S3 Pets so much.
Of course not. *whistling*

Next time we'll see how Hamilton is handling his new independent life.

ts2, round 5, bacc, clayfield, gallagher, nova

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